The last word on Johnny Cochran, as he himself might have put it:

If the man don’t breathe, you must bequeath.


75 comments on “The last word on Johnny Cochran, as he himself might have put it:

  1. What if a person started making Terri Schaivo jokes

    Gallows humour is a time honoured tradition. Death and comedy just seem to go well together. Maybe it’s a way of spitting in the Reaper’s eye or something…

    Hey! The pope is now on a feeding tube. I’m sure a suitable scoundrel could make something of that which would offend whole masses of people (literally) “I guess there was an extra one lying around and they thought, why not!” or some such.

  2. Personally, I have this picture in my head of Cochran outside the gates, laying the verbal malarkey on St. Peter, trying to talk his way in. (I mentioned it to a friend and he suggested “If the sins I didn’t commit, you must admit!”) I can’t help it; I find that mental image hilarious.

  3. I haven’t followed this entire thread, though I’ve been amused by most of it. However, the “doesn’t fit, must acquit” line was devised by Gerald Uehlmann (Santa Clara University law professor), not Cochran. It was Cochran who used it, but he didn’t come up with it.

  4. PAD,
    “Remember, the thing that drove me nuts with (and eventually off) ‘X-Factor’ was that every time I had a storyline going, I had to stop everything to accommodate yet another crossover.”

    You’ve likely stated this before, but would you care to give an example of how this was such a burden? I realize crossovers got out of hand. But, especially in the ’90s, they also meant higher sales and exposure for your work. Doesn’t real life have many interruptions along the way? If you, I don’t know, had an issue where you were going to have Strong Guy reveal his feelings for Polaris, and Mr. Sinister shows up to be dealt with first, isn’t (or should say wasn’t) there a way to work it into the crossover or around it?

    “With ‘Hulk’ the first storyline in five, and the next issue is a done-in-one. So since I hadn’t started a new storyline, I said, ‘Sure, Why not?”

    And there is a great chance you will pick up some new readers as a result.

    “If you’re asking whether Hulk #83-86 stands on it’s own, yes it does.”


    “This isn’t like ‘X-Cutioner’s Song’ or somesuch in which Hulk #83 is merely a middle chapter in a four-issue arc through three other titles that month.”

    Good for you.

    Scott Iskow,
    “Terrible news about Hulk and House of M.”

    No, it’s not. It’s good news.

    “Terrible because I now have to pick up this mini.”

    Well, you don’t really have to. You’re choosing to.

    “I was hoping to let this one pass, but alas, it wasn’t meant to be.”

    You sound like you just lost your dream job or girlfriend or something. Lighten up.

    “I’m glad to see PAD’s not ticked about the crossover.”

    Yes, that’s always good to see.

    “I am a little concerned, though. If PAD only gets one year on the Hulk,”

    Scott, initial orders were quite good. #77 was the 26th best selling book of the month. Considering the stagnant state of the book as of #76 and readers who had dropped the title or never read PAD’s Hulk, that is impressive, It beat out a lot of other high-profile titles, characters and creators, as I stated on the “Hulk # 79” thread.
    Repeat after me: The power of positive thinking. The power of positive thinking.
    Last January, how many of us thought we would be seeing any PAD Hulk stories at all?

    “then spending four issues or so as a tie-in to another event seems like a waste.”

    Didn’t he just say it stands up well on it’s own?
    Look, everyone bìŧçhëš when their favorite book, whatever it is, doesn’t seem to get enough publicity or marketing. One of the most effective ways to do that is to have a book tie-in with an event to draw in readers who are interested in the book but may not be interested in all the individual titles.
    While not always effective, crossovers can be tremendously so. Crossover events like “Bruce Wayne: Murderer/Fugitive” and “War Games” significantly increase sales of not only the core Bat-books, but books like “Nightwing”, “Robin”, “Catwoman”, “Batgirl” and “Birds of Prey”. I used to pick these up sporadically, but got into the habit of picking them up and they are now part of monthly comic purchases. I KNOW I would not be picking up “Birds of Prey” if they had not been a part of the crossovers. And I picked up my first issue of “The Outsiders” with #21, because it is tied-in with the after-effects of “Identity Crisis”, which was pretty self-contained.

    “Hopefully, he’ll have another good, long run with the character.”

    On that we can agree:)

  5. Do I think you should pick up House of M to fully appreciate the full scope of the overall arc? All I can tell you is that *I’m* planning to (I haven’t been on the Marvel comp list in years.)

    Alright, I’ll stop being a cheap bášŧárd for once in my life and pick up the HoM mini. Its only, like, 6 issues anyway.

    From reading online, I’m guessing HoM is an alternate universe kind of deal, so I can see PAD working angle that like a mofo for his storyline. I’d be awesome if the Hulk HoM tie in boosts the sales of Hulk even more, cuz then maybe we get more PAD on the Hulk. And that would make me weep like a baby with joy.

    On a completely unrelated note, I just want to brag that I just saw “Sin City” and it is offically the Greatest Movie Ever In the History of Anything.


    I was just looking up a dvd listing for my wife on and saw that they were taking advanced orders for The Tomorrow People from A&E Home Video. Does anyone know if this is the crap show from a few years ago or the one that ran on PBS & Nick in the 70’s and 80’s?

  7. >Hey guys, was it true that the OJ murders kick >started Jay Leno’s Tonight Show reign?

    No, it isn’t. What kick started Jay Leno’s reign was when he got Hugh Grant on first to talk about his infidelity.


  8. ***Off Topic*** (well kinda, it deals with death)
    Terri Schaivo died 10 minutes ago. She was famous in her own right, but imo the media made her death a circus.

  9. All I can tell you is that *I’m* planning to (I haven’t been on the Marvel comp list in years.


    How cheap are these bášŧárdš (I don’t expect you to answer). Really though, that’s awfully small of them.

  10. I’d only put part of the blame on the media for the Terri coverage. The other part belongs with her parents. All the video and images of Terri from the last 15 years look to have been released by her parents. It seems incongruos for a family to claim to love her and support her to release images of her in the state she’s in. Showing the images of the vacant stare and the lack of response strips her of what little dignity she had left. Now, millions of people will only see those images when they remember Mrs. Schiavo, rather than the images of her before her injury.

  11. [i]Personally, what I thought was in poor taste was my own impulse to start a punk band and call it “Schiavo’s Feeding Tube”…[/i]
    You could do a cover of the Fresh Prince song “Parents Just Don’t Understand”!

  12. OK, with Cochran and Schiavo down, who’s an appropriate 3rd?

    Joan Kennedy was recently hospitalized, so was Jerry Falwell.

    Do not look at me like that. Comics-related themes are appropriate for this list, and Marvel has a character called Deadpool. The right to associate freely is guaranteed in the US Constitution.

    Rich, I think “Feeding Tube” is a great name for a band. Perhaps you could cover “Spinal Tap” songs.

  13. I’m just shocked that no one has pointed out that PAD’s original couplet doesn’t actually rhyme. 😉

  14. I loved that Jokers Millions Caracature of JC…

    The tag line was already mentioned but reading it made me laugh out loud.

    I can’t wait until that season of BTAS is on DVD.

    Warren S. Jones III

  15. If the heart is calm, you must embalm.

    Hey PAD, d’you know if the Hulk will be appearing in any of the other House of M tie-ins?

  16. It’s too early to tell yet, but it looks like the current death 3fer will be Cochran, Schiavo and the Pope.

    The symmetry’s at *least* as poetic as “if he doesn’t breath, you must bequeath.”

  17. (Coming into this conversation a little late)
    While Mr Cochran MAY have done some good work in his life, the freeing of OJ had permanently tainted his ability to work in the Los Angeles area (I know that if I had been called to Jury Duty [which I thankfully escaped from this week] and I had seen Mr. C as an attorney, it would have prevented me from being able to give his client the benefit of the doubt). Similarly, their participation has clouded Scheck and Neufeld’s Innocence project.

    And let us not forget (in the spirit of the remaining media circus), that Mr. C was the go-between who helped Michael Jackson buy off his previous accusers.

    Finally, on the subject of the low-speed car chase (I was driving on the LA Freeways when it occurred), to this day I think Mel Brooks should have sued OJ for plagiarizing his Blazing Saddles “Don’t move or the ņìggër gets it” routine.

  18. And coming in from nowhere to complete the trio …


    Died today at either 84 or 94, depending on who you get your news from.

  19. Okay, I wasn’t going to say anything, but…if you are going to use the names of TV shows and actors, even if it is to make a lame joke (yes, I mean you, Anthony White) can’t you at least open up your browser to Look up the names of the shows and the actors and their characters and spell them right! I’ve made this mistake on occasion, but to do it more than three times in a row is just plain sloppy thinking.

    Kind of like the guy who hosts this column, what’s his name…Mogen David, I think…and the character he writes about…umm, the Sulk.

  20. Mr. Brunner:

    Thanks for completing the set.

    What do Cochran, Schiavo and Perdue have in common?

    Is it just that they each provoked much clucking in their time?

  21. What do Cochran, Schiavo and Perdue have in common?

    Cochran fed us the rhyme that inspired this column.
    Schiavo needed to be fed.
    Perdue fed us chicken.

    / one ticket to hëll, window seat please

  22. John C said “I’m just shocked that no one has pointed out that PAD’s original couplet doesn’t actually rhyme. ;)”

    I didn’t even notice that. LOL

  23. JohnC posted
    “I’m just shocked that no one has pointed out that PAD’s original couplet doesn’t actually rhyme. ;)”

    Um, actually, it does (or, more accurately, can) rhyme. It’s all a matter of how one speaks. Normally, a “th” at the end of a word has the “soft” form (as in “with” or “beneath”) but “bequeath” can use the “hard” form (as in “these” or “them”) which is more common in words ending in “-the” as in “breathe”.
    The pronunciation that PAD used for “bequeath” is a valid alternative in most American English dictionaries while it seems the primary choice in British English.

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