Dragon*Con 2013

I’ve been remiss in posting original stuff on this site and that’s going to be changing.

First off: I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that Dragon*Con has managed to settle accounts with Ed Kramer. I was so gøddámņ sick of having people claiming that my determination to attend the convention translated to that I supported pedophilia. Thank God that’s over.

Second, for some reason, I am not listed in the Artist Alley section. I will indeed be there at Table 25. I will have comic scripts and paperbacks of all my Crazy 8 books, so be sure to swing by.

See you there.


16 comments on “Dragon*Con 2013

  1. Peter, forgive me if you’ve answered this for me on Facebook and I missed it but how many comics/books would you prefer to sign per person? I have more for you than anyone else in Artists Alley, but I would have no problem cutting that number down.

  2. Grabbing one Fearless paperback and one (maybe two) Pulling up Stakes paperback(s) when I get there.

    And here’s a (sorta) Dragon Con (I am so having trouble not typing that with the asterisk) related question. I was listening to a 2011 or 2012 Skeptics Trak panel podcast the other day that I found on iTunes and a guy who I’m pretty sure was you was telling the panel a very shortened version of meeting James Randi, having Randi pull a cool trick to show how easy it is to be psychic and then having everyone convinced that he really was.

    Care to expand on that encounter here sometime soon? I love James Randi.

    1. If you’re interested in faking psychic powers, the SOUTH PARK episode “The Biggest Douche in the Universe” does a terrific job of showing how John Edwards (and folks like him) can feign being psychic by doing “cold readings” based on the general characteristics of a person. Penn Gillette said the episode was the best demonstration of how cold readings work that he’s ever seen.

    2. Hey Jerry, if you pick up another Pulling Up Stakes while you’re there I will gladly pay you back for it when you stop by on the way back!

      Knee deep in writing a vampire screenplay so it would be helpful to read something where it’s done right.

  3. More original content on this page? Yay! I hope this means you’ve continued to improve and have more time for various activities.

    Take care of yourself, Peter.

  4. Really looking forward to seeing you again! One of the highlights of any convention you attend is getting to share a few stories, get some stuff signed and this year to share with you how happy I (and other fans) are that you are doing well.

  5. Peter, what was the deal between Dragon*Con and Ed Kramer, and how did this lead to accusations against you?

    Also, are you going to be at NYCC this year?

    1. At one time it led to raving accusations (by a former friend of mine) against anyone who dared to say that Kramer deserved due process at a minimum, and threats to turn over their names to the Gwinnett County DA as fellow child-molesting perverts.

      Given that said person was involved in the fetish community here in Atlanta and had been close to Kramer at one point, i always wondered how much “Look Over There, not Over Here” was involved.

  6. Would love it if you could attend the Salt Lake Comic-Con this weekend (Sept 5-7). I would love the opportunity to meet you.

  7. Ah, I missed you in the Artist’s Alley, but you will be there again next year, yes? 🙂

    Also, I completely agree about Ed Kramer. Many people have said, “Oh, you know the guy who created Dragon*Con is a pedophile, right?” Now they can’t hold that over me or any other attendee anymore.

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