November 10, 2003


Folks keep asking me about a new book, "Imzadi Forever." I thought I'd addressed this earlier, but in case I didn't, or in case people missed it:

"Imzadi Forever" is a trade paperback-sized reprint of the two "Imzadi" books. It's what's called their "signature" edition, meaning there's a reproduction of my signature on the title page, which should nicely accommodate all those would-be forgers out there. In addition, it includes an original intro by me as well as an original interview in the back.

So if you ever lent out your copy of "Imzadi" or the sequel and never got it back, now you can have a cheap edition with additional stuff you didn't know you wanted or needed.


Posted by Peter David at November 10, 2003 10:48 PM | TrackBack | Other blogs commenting
Posted by: Mark L at November 10, 2003 11:38 PM

Ooooo, tempting. Maybe a Christmas present for my wife.

I'd still love to see Imzadi remastered/released on Audio CD. The casette version shows its wear.

Posted by: Jeff at November 11, 2003 12:46 AM

This is a great idea! Maybe they will go back and do some earlier books this way. I'm thinking mainly of "Dreadnaught" and "Battlestations", and the proposed third book of that series. This seems to be an affordable way to bring stories back into print for the next generation of fans.

Posted by: Michael Rawdon at November 11, 2003 01:24 AM

People who know me know that I thought Star Trek: The Next Generation and its successors, well, "sucked" is too strong a word... but not by a whole lot.

That said, Imzadi is one of the very few Star Trek novels I've actually bothered to keep, and I even pull it out to scan through from time-to-time. Aside from the fact that I'm a sucker for time travel novels of its ilk, I felt you gave more character to Riker and Troi in that one book, Peter, than the TNG series writers did in 5+ seasons (I stopped watching early in season 6).

(FWIW, the other Trek fiction I still own are the two old New Voyages collections, and the two John M. Ford books. Not counting, of course, my own small fannish effort.)

Posted by: Howard Margolin at November 11, 2003 01:37 AM

Considering the enduring popularity of your Imzadi novels, Peter, I'm surprised that John didn't tap you to write the "A Time To" novels for next year that give the details behind Riker and Troi's engagement/wedding. You would have been the, pardon the expression, logical choice, and it would have served as a nice way for you to be able to bring your interpretations of the characters up to the current incarnations.

Posted by: David Henderson at November 11, 2003 01:38 AM

A cover image is available at Psi Phi.


Posted by: Matt Adams at November 11, 2003 05:36 AM

I'll probably check it out, just so long as I get a guarantee that there will be no Imzadi & Robin sequel featuring Starfleet uniforms with rubber nipples.

Posted by: Alan Wilkinson at November 11, 2003 07:01 AM

Or Imzadi Advanced

Posted by: Jess at November 11, 2003 07:57 AM

Or ST:TNG babies... Baby Picard, Baby Doctor Crusher, Baby Worf... on the plus side, no Wesley.

Posted by: Londo at November 11, 2003 08:50 AM

Peter, how does this mesh with your stance on comic book TPBs? In this case, instead of two books that would cost $13.98, you get the same material, plus a new interview, new foreward, and your signature for only $10. Shouldn't this kill any royalties that are left on the original books?

Posted by: Corey Tacker at November 11, 2003 09:11 AM

I'd still love to see Imzadi remastered/released on Audio CD.

It *was* released on CD--in the U.K:

I got one on eBay. A few others were also released on CD only overseas (Q-in-Law, Q-Squared).


Posted by: Rick Keating at November 11, 2003 09:35 AM


This is off topic (and apologies for that), but people might miss it if I put it in one of the Round-up threads.

I was at Best Buy yesterday, where I discovered a 6 DVD set of 16 Incredible Hulk episodes, and the second TV movie, “A death in the Family.”

The episodes, which are not in chronological order for some reason (“A Death in the Family” is on Disk 5) are as follows: Disk 1: “Rainbow’s End” (Banner works at a horse race track where a trainer has come up with a formula to calm a temperamental horse); “Another Path”, “The Disciple” (Two episodes involving Banner and his blind Sensei); Disk 2: “The First” parts 1 & 2 (Banner meets an earlier version of the Hulk); “Kindred Spirits: (possible evidence of a pre-historic Hulk-like creature); Disk 3: “Mystery Man” 1 & 2 (A bandaged, amnesiac Banner and McGee stranded together. McGee learns a man becomes the Hulk, and for the rest of the series insists on calling him John (for John Doe) even though a David B--- was in the vicinity of every Hulk sighting. That’s investigative reporting for you); “Stop the Presses” (Banner sneaks into the National Register offices to retrieve a recently taken photo of himself); Disk 4: “Dark Side” (Experimental formula turns Banner nasty and the Hulk capable of murder); “Deep Shock” (Banner gets an electric shock and ESP); “Harder They Fall” (Banner is rendered a paraplegic). Disk 5: “747” (Banner has to land a jet-- no pressure, right?); “Death in the Family”; Disk 6: “Psychic” (woman has psychic visions, Banner thinks the Hulk killed (will kill?) someone, intends suicide/execution); “Prometheus” 1 & 2 (exposure to a recently fallen meteorite causes Banner to get stuck in mid transformation).

The DVDs don’t come with any extras, unless you consider the pre-titles teaser for the episodes (Do they show those teasers on the Sci-Fi channel reruns? I caught an episode recently, but honestly don’t remember if they do) an extra, but from what I remember of them, many of the above named episodes are among the better offerings in the series’ history. Still, I wish “Equinox”, in which a masked Banner confronts McGee at a party, had been included.

Some commentaries would’ve been nice, too.

Come to think of it, weren’t these the episodes, along with “Equinox”, that Columbia House offered on video a few years ago? I remember reading a review in BID at the time, and recall that at least some of the episodes on the DVD were on the Columbia House tapes as well.

At any rate, I just thought folks might be interested in knowing this collection was available.

As to "Imzadi Forever", I never read the previous "Imzadi" books, but I hope this "signature" edition proves to be a boon to you and brings you new readers.


Posted by: Wednesday White at November 11, 2003 09:49 AM

You can also buy both books from the iTunes Music Store and burn them to CD.

Posted by: David Henderson at November 11, 2003 11:56 AM

"Peter, how does this mesh with your stance on comic book TPBs? In this case, instead of two books that would cost $13.98, you get the same material, plus a new interview, new foreward, and your signature for only $10. Shouldn't this kill any royalties that are left on the original books?"

One of the big differences between these books and comic trade paperbacks is that comic TP's usually come out only a few months after the original issues came out (at least the ones I'm most familiar with). But "Imzadi" has been out for ten years and "Triangle: Imzadi II" has been out for five years. I would imagine (and this is just a guess on my part) that very few copies of the original books are purchased anymore. So re-releasing them in a new format at a lower price (though it's only a dollar lower: "Imzadi" was already re-released as a $3.99 paperback the month before "Triangle" came out as a promotional thing) shouldn't cut into existing royalties, and it will probably lead to greater sales.


Posted by: Andrew Timson at November 11, 2003 12:46 PM

This is a great idea! Maybe they will go back and do some earlier books this way. I'm thinking mainly of "Dreadnaught" and "Battlestations", and the proposed third book of that series.

a) Dreadnaught! and Battlestations! were rereleased at $3.99 each not too long ago (in 2001, I believe) as a way of doing the same. I wouldn't expect to see a new edition of those for a while, if ever.

b) Don't expect to see another Piper book for a while; Ms. Carey's dropped off the face of the Earth, supposedly working on some original science fiction stuff, but with no visible output or indications of progress. If/when she returns to Trek, I'd also expect her to work on more Challenger stuff before she revisited Piper.

Posted by: Andrew at November 11, 2003 02:50 PM

Am I the only one who thinks the cover for "Imzadi Forever" is incredibly ugly? Granted, not much creativity goes into the TNG/DS9/Voyager covers in the first place, but a radom shot of Troi with a curved title?

Bleh. Too cheap.

Posted by: Corey Tacker at November 11, 2003 02:59 PM

...and the cover photo is reversed, too. The rank pips should be on the other side of the collar. This was a problem on some of the other Signature Edition books, too. (Although it was probably done intentionally for design purposes. But I don't like it.)


Posted by: Pascal at November 11, 2003 05:05 PM

Since some of you commented on audio cassettes: I've looked everywhere to find the Sir Apropos of Nothing audio, but it is usually sold out or just not available. Does anyone know where I can order it?


Posted by: Corey at November 11, 2003 05:09 PM

Does anyone know where I can order it?

There are some for sale on Amazon, both new and used:


Posted by: Jeff at November 11, 2003 05:45 PM

Dreadnaught! and Battlestations! were rereleased at $3.99 each not too long ago (in 2001, I believe) as a way of doing the same. I wouldn't expect to see a new edition of those for a while, if ever.

I didn't realize that. I still have my well worn copies though. They are some of the few old Trek books I've kept long after reading (as well as most of PAD's books).

Posted by: BrakYeller at November 11, 2003 06:50 PM

A signature edition of the Imzadi books? Cool... definitely add them to my wish list.

By the by, I finally read "Gods Above," and I wish there were some way to make Spock a regular part of the Excalibur crew. As you've done repeatedly in the past (particularly in the first NF books), you've captured the humor of Spock perfectly, and I for one want more! So who should I start writing angry letters to?

[[Yeah, I realize you probably have more fun with your own characters, and you certainly don't need Spock since the crew stands more than well enough on its own, but honestly, reading "Gods Above" underscored how precious little well-written Spock we readers have been getting. He's missed.]]

the OTHER John Byrne

Posted by: Michael Pullmann at November 11, 2003 09:32 PM

This is of absolutely no consequence to the thread, but:

Peter, a couple of fellows on CBR are planning to ambush you in regards to the Supergirl + The Power of Shazam! comic you wrote a few years ago. Details here, for now:

Posted by: Shawn at November 12, 2003 12:42 AM

Oh, what I wouldn't do for another Imazadi novel from PAD. I actually did lend out my copy of the first one never to see it returned, so maybe I'll pick this one up.

I like the price.

I wish they would collect New Frontier with a more attractive page count/price ratio.


Posted by: Roger Tang at November 12, 2003 02:39 AM

I wish they would collect New Frontier with a more attractive page count/price ratio.

Actually, they have. Buy the latest hardcover and you get a CD of all the previous New Frontier books (except GODS ABOVE, I think). That's a DAMNED attrative page count/price ratio.

Posted by: Alison Andrews at November 13, 2003 09:50 AM

I would love a new Imzadi book especially one that took place on the ship that Riker is now Captain of (I forget the name of the ship).

In the meantime I will content myself with New Frontier. I have read Gods Above and Stone and Anvil and I can't wait for the new books in this fantastic series.

Posted by: Darina at November 14, 2003 02:49 PM

Lend it to someone? Are you insane? How could I possibly read it for the 304th time if I dont have it? Having said that I could do with another copy, my ones are falling apart after being read and re-read and what not.

Will that have a european release this side of xmas too?

Posted by: Dee at November 15, 2003 01:28 AM

Keep those Trek novels coming PAD, look forward to em each time.