Suffer Not a Witch to Live

Well, Tara is toast. We followers of “Buffy” pretty much saw it coming the instant that Amber Benson was added to the opening credits. Obviously a stunt to lure the unwary into a false sense of security.

On a personal level, I’m rather upset because I’ve met Amber a couple times and she’s a really sweet girl whose character deserved better than to die a pointless death from a stray gunshot by one of the Lone Wáņkërš. Still, let us consider the track record of interpersonal relationships in Sunnydale. Buffy & Angel: He dumped her. Buffy & Parker: He dumped her. Buffy & Riley: He dumped her. Buffy & Joyce: Joyce died. Buffy & Giles: Giles left. Buffy & Spike: She dumped him *and* he tried to rape her. Giles & Jenny Calendar: She was killed. Giles & Olivia: Left town after realizing Giles was telling the truth about all that black magic stuff. Xander & the Sexy Teacher: She tried to eat him. Xander & Inca Mummy Girl: She tried to suck the life out of him. Xander & Cordy: She dumped him. Xander & Faith: She humped and dumped him inside of ten minutes and later tried to kill him. Xander & Anya: He dumped her. Willow & the Demon in the Computer: He tried to kill her, as demons are wont to do. Willow & Oz: He dumped her and returned only to be dumped himself. Spike & Dru: She dumped him for a fungus demon, came back to him, and dumped him again. Spike & Harmony: Alternated between dumping each other and trying to stake each other. Amy & Larry: The classic Sunnydale romance–Before it could go anywhere, Amy got turned into a rat, Larry acknowledged he was gay, and then got killed by a serpent demon.

So you can say what you want about poor Tara’s fate, but you sure can’t say it’s inconsistent with what’s gone before. Dating someone on the Hellmouth is a lot like being an old friend of Jessica Fletcher’s: You’re going to die, or someone’s going to try and kill you, or you’ll be suspected of killing someone.


17 comments on “Suffer Not a Witch to Live

  1. Well, I wasn`t surprised either. That Willow and Tara become a couple again simply sounded too good to be true also because I expected it that Mr. Whedon will let Tara die because she brought Buffy back. If you do a resurrection story, it should have consequences and this one was obvious, at least to me. Which doesn`t mean that I didn`t like the story. Especially because Tara died so suddenly and first of all so senseless, it made her death more tragic and shocking.

    Hm, reading this record of relationships in Buffy, Star Trek on TV isn`t any better. I am now the more grateful for New Frontier, of course first of all seeing Calhoun and Shelby as a married couple. I am sure, this relationship will not only have its ups but also its downs but for once I would like to see a lasting marriage in Star Trek.

  2. Well, I wasn`t surprised either. That Willow and Tara become a couple again simply sounded too good to be true also because I expected it that Mr. Whedon will let Tara die because she brought Buffy back. If you do a resurrection story, it should have consequences and this one was obvious, at least to me. Which doesn`t mean that I didn`t like the story. Especially because Tara died so suddenly and first of all so senseless, it made her death more tragic and shocking.

    Hm, reading this record of relationships in Buffy, Star Trek on TV isn`t any better. I am now the more grateful for New Frontier, of course first of all seeing Calhoun and Shelby as a married couple. I am sure, this relationship will not only have its ups but also its downs but for once I would like to see a lasting marriage in Star Trek.

  3. Well, I wasn`t surprised either. That Willow and Tara become a couple again simply sounded too good to be true also because I expected it that Mr. Whedon will let Tara die because she brought Buffy back. If you do a resurrection story, it should have consequences and this one was obvious, at least to me. Which doesn`t mean that I didn`t like the story. Especially because Tara died so suddenly and first of all so senseless, it made her death more tragic and shocking.

    Hm, reading this record of relationships in Buffy, Star Trek on TV isn`t any better. I am now the more grateful for New Frontier, of course first of all seeing Calhoun and Shelby as a married couple. I am sure, this relationship will not only have its ups but also its downs but for once I would like to see a lasting marriage in Star Trek.

  4. Oooh, and don’t forget Buffy and that guy from the beginning of Season 4. He talked all nice, they rode the carnal carousel, and she soon found herself nothing in eyes but a notch on his bedbpost. A cute notch, but…y’know. Still.

    Nice page, PAD.

  5. Tara’s character has been from her inception, a means to an end. Her only purpose was to give Willow a romantic interest, and her only interaction with the other characters was in regards to Willow. The only exceptions were: 1) the episode that featured her family, and 2) this season’s episode featuring her investigation into Buffy’s resurrection. For more than 2 seasons, she’s been simply an appendage for Willow. Tara’s dead, and nothing’s gonna be missed.

    Except some lucious girl-on-girl kissing.

  6. Come to think of it, why did Seth
    Green leave? Considering he’s now
    doing Greg The Bunny, I’m hesistant
    to think he was much in demand

  7. Seth Green left because he has a huge movie career. And Greg The Bunny is one of the funniest shows on!

  8. Surprised, no. Disappointed, hëll yes. Let’s all do the obvious thing. Especially after the credits the week before told us ‘don’t assume you know anything’. I got to meet Amber myself. (The same time I met PAD, Megacon) She deserved better then being used like that. Kill off the sister, hëll kill off Anya. But the one person who was the ‘normal one’, again, way to obvious.

  9. It’s a shame because Tara was one of the new characters I actually liked.

    Anyhoo, Spike rode off into the sunset (or would that be the sunrise) to “change” something. I predict he will either come back sans chip or he will have found some way to become human again.


  10. I knew it was coming, but I truly hoped I was wrong. Tara has been my favourite member of the Scooby Gang for the past few years, and I will be very sad to see her go.
    However, it seems her death is a necessary plot point for the emergence of Dark Willow as she returns to magic to avenge her lover.

  11. I knew it was coming, but I truly hoped I was wrong. Tara has been my favourite member of the Scooby Gang for the past few years, and I will be very sad to see her go.
    However, it seems her death is a necessary plot point for the emergence of Dark Willow as she returns to magic to avenge her lover.

  12. Did anyone notice how relatively EASY it was for the nerd to walk into Buffy’s back yard and fire away. I mean Buffy has been battling vampires, demons and other nasties for years now. This makes only twice now that one of them had the thought of using a good ole fashioned GUN.

    I almost thought Buffy was going to be the one to bite it again, prompting me to think “Oh my God, you killed Buffy, you bášŧárdš!”


  13. Peter, could you do something about the blue-on-blue type? It’s hard on the eyes.

  14. I was actually really annoyed by Tara and hoping for her demise until the musical episode this season. Amber Benson really shined there and since I’ve appreciated her more. Hopefully, this turn will lead to more great stories, however, they REALLY need Giles back.

  15. I always wondered how the guys would deal with normal weapons like a gun or a bomb. I mean only Spike (or possibly Willow) could survive something like gunshots.

    And say what you will about Buffy, have you guys seen Angel recently? That last scene with Angel and Wes in the hospital scared the crap out of me.

  16. I always wondered how the guys would deal with normal weapons like a gun or a bomb. I mean only Spike (or possibly Willow) could survive something like gunshots.

    And say what you will about Buffy, have you guys seen Angel recently? That last scene with Angel and Wes in the hospital scared the crap out of me.

  17. I have one, and only one thing to say:

    Joss had better bring Tara back to life, or what I’m going to do to him will make what Willow did to Warren look like church on Sunday.

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