I’m Super, thanks for asking

Just finished the script for Supergirl #74. Didn’t have an easy time of it. See, we have a major new storyline that starts with #75, and it had been my intention to wrap up the current storyline in #75 and segue into the next one in the selfsame issue…kind of like what I did in #50. But I was told that the best way to launch the new storyline in #75 was to make it as clean a break as possible, and so I had to compress the story I’d planned for 73-75 into two issues, 73-74. I had a ton of elements to deal with, and it took me most of a week to wrestle the script to the ground.

That’s an inherent difficulty with the way I tell lengthy stories. Usually when the resolution arrives, no matter how meticulously and over however many months I set it up, the methodical nature of my plotting prompts people to say that so much happened in the concluding chapters that they think the story is rushed. Well, boy, I’ll be interested to see what they think of #74, considering how many story elements I pack in and resolve over the course of 22 pages.

Still, the decks are now cleared for #75, which will launch a major new, and highly demanded, storyline. Leonard Kirk’s last issue is #74, and hopefully he’ll be going out with a bang. And we do indeed have the new artist lined up starting with #75, but I can’t make that announcement yet. Soon, ideally. Hope to see you all there.



First off, thanks to all of you who’ve had such nice things to say about the site.

Second, re: BID archives: we’ve found the vast majority of BIDs from 3/01/91 (CBG #902) in electronic format. Before we start digging for the earlier 26 columns, I figured I might as well ask here to see if anybody already took the time to place any of them into some sort of electronic format– if you did, please let me know via e-mail. (Yes, that includes if you got them out of the trade paperback, as we’re still looking for those files too.)

Third, thanks to the work of one such archiver, Allyn Gibson, we’ll soon be reprinting the lo-o-o-ong out of print The TARDIS at Pooh Corner here, probably in the next day or three. Watch the skies.