
First off, thanks to all of you who’ve had such nice things to say about the site.

Second, re: BID archives: we’ve found the vast majority of BIDs from 3/01/91 (CBG #902) in electronic format. Before we start digging for the earlier 26 columns, I figured I might as well ask here to see if anybody already took the time to place any of them into some sort of electronic format– if you did, please let me know via e-mail. (Yes, that includes if you got them out of the trade paperback, as we’re still looking for those files too.)

Third, thanks to the work of one such archiver, Allyn Gibson, we’ll soon be reprinting the lo-o-o-ong out of print The TARDIS at Pooh Corner here, probably in the next day or three. Watch the skies.

2 comments on “Administrivia…

  1. Very nice site! I surfed over here from a link on Mark Evanier’s site. Too Cool!

    Any chance of getting the “Hotel Soap” column reprinted soon?

    Just wondering since I misplaced it a while ago and have been looking for it.

    Oh yeah – “Buy Captain Marvel!”


  2. Sorry about the double post. I was getting an error and thought it didn’t go through.

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