In the Buffy

This entry might be problematic for our foreign readers, but nevertheless, I’m going to say a few spoiler things about the season ender of Buffy. I’ll add a few lines to try and allow spoiler space.

First, Giles’ entrance was the best entrance on TV since President Bartlett first showed up in the last five minutes of the “West Wing” pilot declaring “You shall have no other God before me,” and it was certainly the best entrance in the history of this series. Never has one series suffered so greatly from the absence of one character as this one has from the loss of Giles. As much as I feel for Tony Head’s desire to be with his family, I selfishly find myself hoping he’ll be more of a fixture next year because boy, did they need him.

Second, I wouldn’t say that the finale salvaged the season, but it was as if they were openly acknowledging all the problems with it. They seem to be saying that it was dramatically necessary. Perhaps. Didn’t make it any less sucky viewing.

And third, I’ll tell you, on paper the manner in which Willow was “saved” was just so…uchhhh. But hats off to the actors, who threw themselves into it with such sincerity, such fearlessness, that it was *the* standout moment of the season, and possibly the last few years. I was actually tearing up.

And speaking of West Wing…why does someone have to be in threat of dying or actually dead at the end of each season? What is up with that?