Folks are dropping me congratulating e-mails about the fact that CAPTAIN MARVEL continues to lead the other two titles in the “U-Decide” contest. I appreciate the thoughts…but I think the forest is not being seen for the trees that died to print the books.

CM #1 was the best reviewed, best received title of the three in September. Fan response was, “Well, of course, what did you expect, Peter David is the best writer, yadda yadda.” But that issue (granted three covers, but still) sold around 54,000. Issue #2? Around 33,000. Twenty thousand copy drop off right there. As opposed to “Ultimate Adventures” which sold a “paltry” 35,000 in September but around 29,000 in October. Not remotely as drastic a drop.

And just for fun, let’s compare CM #2 to books outside of “U-Decide.” Remember “The Hulk,” the series fans shouted they would never read again because I’d been shoved out the door? Mid 50’s. Issue #2 of CM guest stars the Punisher, and that month’s issue of “The Punisher” is in the mid 40’s. So in relation to the Hulk it’s not selling, and in relation to the Punisher it’s not selling.

Gotta say, folks…not liking this trend. Because I want to introduce a notion here: Bill Jemas said that whichever book sells the most of the three will continue beyond issue #6. He didn’t say how long, though, did he.

I inadvertently set this thing into motion because I felt the book wasn’t getting enough PR, and I wanted to keep the price down. Well, the price was knocked down to $2.25, and it got PR out the whazoo. And the reception to the book has been wildly positive. Now it’s entirely possible that sales will promptly rebound in response to that reception and we settle in around the mid-40s. But let’s say for a moment that they don’t. Let’s say that in the end we wind up with exactly the same number of copies being sold that we had when we started. If that’s the case, Bill Jemas can turn around and say, “It’s obvious that fans simply aren’t interested in supporting an ongoing CAPTAIN MARVEL title, even at $2.25 and with lots of publicity. Apparently Peter David can’t write stories that excite people the way other writers do.” Or he could even be “generous” and say, “Obviously people aren’t interested in reading about CAPTAIN MARVEL no matter how well it’s written.” And he cancels the title as of issue #7, having done everything he said he would and still proven his point.

So, y’know…food for thought amidst the congratulatory feasts.