At the Marvel/Fan press conference the other day, Marvel execs slapped CBG around because a CBG columnist (no, not me) allegedly stated that “most retailers” dislike Marvel’s non-reorder, non-overprint policy. Marvel says t’ain’t so. They said they did a study of 300 retailers, and know that for a fact.

Okay. I’ve done no study. All I know is what I’ve seen and heard anecdotally. I’ve seen some retailers write in to CBG praising the new policies. But I’ve also seen retailers writing in and complaining, in CBG and in Comic Retailer magazine, and a number have griped to me in person. I’ve no clue, though, if “most” of the retailers are unhappy campers.

Any retailers reading this? Tell me what you think. Anyone reading this know any retailers? Ask them what they think. I admit to a certain degree of curiosity. I have an opinion based purely on perception, but perceptions can be deceiving. So you guys tell me: Marvels non-reorder, non-overprint policy. Good thing or bad thing? Helping or hurting?