Tom Brevoort passed this along to me. I’ve never run a fan letter here, but this is pretty cool in a geeky sort of way:

To the Crew,

Month after month I see people praising every book Brian Bendis and Grant Morrison put out…but people are missing out on the best read of the month, bar none. Mixing pulse-pounding, universe-ending, balls-to-the-walls action with hilarious, fall-over-laughing, satire on the comics world as a whole, and still being able to tell the story of a guy in love with his wife.

Amazing. Spectacular. Uncanny.

Peter David deserves an award for almost every storyline so far (and probably those coming up), and ChrissCross (one of the most underrated pencillers in the industry) should have an award named after him. I have been able to get about 20 to 25 people to pick up the book, and try to convince everyone I see to pick up the (in my humble, geeky opinion) best book of the month.

Keep up the wonderful work, and until Rick Jones combines atoms with Captain Ultra, Make Mine MARVEL.

Oh what the hëll, even then.

Alan Korsunsky

Comedy Centrals’ “Beat the Geeks” Comic Book Geek

Now I feel kinda bad feeling so satisfied when the comic pros wiped the floor with the Geek team in the trivia competition at San Diego.