Last night was the first time that we’ve actually bothered to watch the World Series, because thus far it’s between two teams I don’t really give a dámņ about. But hey, any Series that features near-death rescues of wandering uniformed three year olds certainly gets my attention.

It was a really good game, unless of course you’re a Giants fan. Having no real vested interest in either team, I could admire the play from both sides. However, being a latecomer to all this, and knowing pretty much nothing about the Angels…

Would someone please explain to me what the hëll is up with the monkey?

I’m sitting there watching people waving stuffed monkeys and wondering if it was a stuffed monkey giveaway day or something, and suddenly there’s this frickin’ uniformed “Rally Monkey” on the screen, holding up a sign reading “Believe in the power of the monkey.” And the announcers are discussing this in a matter of fact, everyone-knows-about-this manner, in the same way that they could make a reference to Babe Ruth’s calling his shot and everyone gets the reference. Me, I’m totally out of the loop.

How long have these monkey shines been going on? Whose bright idea was it? How the heck did it catch on, anyway?