So I was contacted by the folks at Harper-Collins about writing the Young Adult version of the “The Hulk” novel. Apparently they’d heard good things about me and figured, since I knew the script, I’d be the person to do the YA one.

Two problems faced us, though. First, if my name was on both of them, that might cause some confusion in the marketplace. And second, from a personal and creative point of view, how could I approach the same material and keep it interesting for myself? Because if it was boring for me, it would be boring for the reader.

What we came up with was simple: The entire book will be told first person, extracted from diaries kept by Bruce Banner. And the author’s name on it will actually be “Bruce Banner.” So young adult readers will be getting the real story straight from the Hulkster’s mouth, so to speak.

Should be interesting.


8 comments on “GHOST OF THE HULK

  1. It certainly should, darn you to heck… I can normally count on being able to bypass the crummy younger readers versions of these things and saving myself some cash. Now you’ve blown THAT out of the water by going and writing this one too. Not only that, but making it sound interesting too… Grrrr…

  2. If Bruce Banner is writing it, does that mean Hulk gets half the royalites?


  3. So now I’ll have to be on the lookout to purchase two more books.

    Sounds good to me.

    I have almost all of PAD’s books now. More to the collection.

  4. Dunno if the movie version of Hulk would make this possible, but any chance of an entry or two from the Hulk side of the persona?

  5. Clever solution!

    I hope the book will contain a brief item from Bruce Banner, perhaps a dedication: “Special thanks to my friend Peter David for helping me put my thoughts on paper.”

  6. You could have one authored by “Bruce Banner” and the other by “David Banner.” The network execs agreed that *that* wouldn’t cause any confusion amonst viewers…

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