In the continuing saga of my daughter, Gwen, she had told New England Comics that she couldn’t work on weekends during the day because she works at a bakery then. So NEC offered her Saturday from 11 to 5. On the surface, that would seem rather bizarre behavior. So she turned them down. But wait! Apparently NEC displayed foresight bordering on the psychic, because Gwen was informed a week later that the bakery was changing her hours, and she wasn’t going to be working weekends anymore. Which means she *is* available Saturdays from 11 to 5.

Is the NEC slot still available? Will Gwen want to give up her now-free weekends? Will she, in fact, meet some nice kids around her age (17/18) so she’ll have people to hang with? Will she be able to keep a straight face behind the NEC counter and not burst out guffawing if customers say, “Wow, that Peter David is the best writer ever!”

All I know is, the adventures of Gwen are spreading in notoriety, and recently were recounted in All the Rage.

Stay tuned.


4 comments on “GWEN UPDATE!

  1. PAD wrote: ‘Will she be able to keep a straight face behind the NEC counter and not burst out guffawing if customers say, “Wow, that Peter David is the best writer ever!”‘

    – Could anyone?

    (I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Peter… please don’t kill me… I just couldn’t resist it…)

    – A seriously huge fan of yours, hankering for a spankering…

  2. Geez, working at a bakery and NEC? When’s she finding time to, y’know, attend classes and do homework?

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