Now that everyone’s done whomping on Glenn, I’m going to ask if anyone is really surprised over the election results. I mean, really.

To me, it was pretty much in the bag the moment Congress gave Bush war power even though we’re not at war.

Never underestimate the magician’s trick of misdirection. Look. Look, over here. This country’s riddled with problems, the type of which would cause any electorate to shift control, but hey! Over there! There’s this very, very bad man, and we have to do something about him, because he’s a very bad man. So quick, let’s assemble our allies–you know, the country that turns tanks on its protestors, and the country that supplied almost all of the 9/11 hijackers, and the country bordering Afghanistan where the new terrorist camps have been set up–those allies, and do something about this very bad man, because unlike the very bad man, they embrace human rights and the American way and puppies.

And while that’s happening, the Democrats won’t be able to pull the attention of the 1-in-3 people who vote over towards those annoying domestic problems because they’ll be too worried about war, and–as I said ages ago–people don’t like to switch horses in mid-war stream. In a political environment where criticism of the administration is tantamount to being unpatriotic, naturally the electorate is going to give a more clear mandate to a man who, two years ago, it did not give the majority of the popular votes to and likely would be heading for defeat in 2004 if two airplanes hadn’t been flown into the World Trade Center.

So as I said, I wasn’t surprised. The only surprising thing would be if anyone else was.