I spoke with my eldest daughter, Shana, last night, and she told me with great excitement, “I saw this TV show tonight with little Buffy! Buffy as a little girl.”

My mind immediately ran through the episodes of the series featuring Buffy as a youngster. I came up with a couple, but none of them had run recently on FX. Then I thought someone had green lit the animated series and I’d missed the announcement, but that wasn’t supposed to be about Buffy when she was “little.” “What show?” I asked.

“This show! With little blonde Buffy! And Giles the stuffy British guy, too.”

“What?!” I was completely bewildered, since Giles didn’t meet Buffy until she was in her teens.

“Yeah! It’s about Buffy when she was living with her Uncle Bill, and Giles was the butler…”

“Shana, you were watching FAMILY AFFAIR,” I sighed. “It’s a remake of a series from thirty years ago. And the butler is Mr. French, not Giles.”

“They called him Giles,” she replied.

I realized she was right: “Giles” was Mr. French’s first name. I assured her there was no relation to “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” although now that I think on it…*two* series featuring characters named Buffy and Giles? Coincidence? Buried memory on Whedon’s part? Tribute? You decide.

Regarding this week’s actual episode of BTVS: The pace dragged something fierce and the subject matter was a retread of earlier stories. But the whole episode was worth it for the wordless sequence outside the principal’s office with Buffy, the rocket launcher, and Spike.

I mourn the fact they don’t do “Buffy” and “Angel” crossovers, because I would dearly love to see Conner show up in Sunnydale and start getting involved with Dawn. How hilarious would that be, with Buffy suddenly re-experiencing her and Angel’s romance, except she’s seeing it from the POV of the worried mother figure.