Hot socks, kids! Gwen will be working at New England Comics on Saturdays…and possibly Wednesdays, depending upon some other factors.

Told you I’d keep you up to date.

I’m keeping this short because I’m having computer problems. It’s making lots of weird noises. Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon.


16 comments on “GWEN UPDATE!

  1. I have nothing but respect for any female who dares venture into a comics shop, and even more for those who are willing to ply comics as a trade. Go, young adventuress, for there are those who need their copies of “Marville,” “Spawn,” and “The Savage Dragon”…

    …er, and those who don’t.

  2. Hehe good for her…

    I have to agree with Greg, girl + comic book store job = comic geeks who can’t function properly.

    Hehe, i remember the first time we hired a girl to work at the store… i was wipping drool off the counter for days… also, i became transparent…


    Good luck to Gwen.

  3. You know PAD, when you have computer problems you should be detailing the computer (type, insides, etc) and the problem you’re having. Some people who read this may be able to help out…

  4. I had a go at the computer last night and it is sounding ugly. We have help on the way to fix it. Peter did get a copy of the New Frontiers novel off of the hard drive before it went too wonky so at least that is safe for now.


    35 weeks and counting….

  5. Hey, it’s great that Gwen got a job! This’ll help give her a break away from her studies and a new group of people to meet.

    Two questions:

    1. How old is your computer?

    2. Hot socks!? Where did this expression come from? It’s no wonder why Gwen gives you such a hard time.

    P.S. Can’t wait for the next installment of Captain Marvel!!

  6. Hey PAD. I’m a PC tech. Let me know what noise it’s making and I can probably tell you what it is, what to buy to fix it, and the best price for it. I can even get you through replacing it if you wanted to go that far.

  7. Congratulations to Gwen. Speaking of her, though, what happened to her webpage? Clicking on the link shows that the page is not found.

    Kathleen: Peter did get a copy of the New Frontiers novel off of the hard drive before it went too wonky so at least that is safe for now.

    Luigi Novi: Whew! Thank God! By Odin’s good eye, if I ended up having to wait even more to find out what will happen to Zak, McHenry and Morgan, I would’ve been Thor! REALLY Thor!

  8. Hmm…I just referenced both God, Odin and Thor in the same paragraph! Does this mean I’m going to hëll? 🙂

  9. Gwen’s working at a comic book store?

    Hey, soon she might be a manager.

    Perhaps you should suggest to Gwen that she consider Marlo Jones a role model. Look at all the stuff Marlo did before owning her own store and then work backward…

  10. Best first guess is that one of the computer’s internal fans is going bad. Believe it or not, 9 times out of 10 that is the major cause of a computer making “weird noises”.

  11. A laurel and hearty congrats to Gwen!…!!

    Ten or so years ago, there was a New England Comics here in Tampa!! Nice folks. The ( as the Disney people would say ) synergy of a comic book called ‘The Tick’ bearing the same imprint as the name of the store that carried it piqued my curiosity. And I’ve been a fan of Ben Edlund ever since!! The store still exists, physically….but it hasn’t borne the NEC name in many a moon!!

    By the way, will Gwen! be starting before or after she and Shana embark upon ‘Ben Stein’s Vacation’??


  12. “I’m keeping this short because I’m having computer problems. It’s making lots of weird noises. Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon.”

    I make a lot of weird noises sometimes. I hope that doesn’t mean that I’m getting “fixed”.



  13. Congatulations, Gwen !

    So it is the end o GWEN Season 1, and Start Of season 2 with more problems e dificulties !

    Well, i didn

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