My editor at Penguin-Putnam called the other day. With me going over the copyedited manuscript for “ONE KNIGHT ONLY,” she asked what I had planned next. Talk turned toward a third Arthur book, since a trilogy has a nice sound to it and the end of “ONE KNIGHT ONLY,” while it is definitely a conclusion to the story, does leave open significant possibilities for a third volume. I’m working up a proposal now for what I’ve tentatively titled “FALL OF KNIGHT” and we’ll see how that flies.

I’ll keep you posted.


15 comments on “SEQUEL-ITIS?

  1. I haven’t had the pleasure of reading the ‘Knight Life’ book yet (it’s on my must-read list though), but I absolutely ADORED ‘Sir Apropos of Nothing’, and am looking forward to reading ‘Road to Wuin’…as well as any subsequent sequels of that series…are any more planned (forgive my ignorance)?

  2. Anthony-

    He is working on it. Peter tends to write more than one thing at a time so he’ll work on New Frontiers then write Supergirl then write But I Digress and then work on some other projects. And contrary to rumors, he does occationally sleep.


  3. I think DC may have run the “Kight Fall” Title into the ground a few years ago 😉

  4. Perhaps Arthur will be imprisoned in England with a sweetly singing bird.

    The book could then be called KNIGHT IN GAOL.

  5. Oh yeah, I should have posted this much earlier. I finished ‘Sir Apropos of Nothing’ some time ago and enjoyed it very much. May or may not get ‘Woad To Wuin’; no offense, but I’m in therapy to STOP thinking like Po. On the other hand, I did enjoy the first book very much, so…

    One trivial nitpick, nothing serious but it’s a compulsion so I have to. This is just banter so it may or may not need a SPOILER but… If Apropos and Sharee are going to ‘trade off’ being the hero of the story, shouldn’t SHE be the star of the next book? I know, I know, it was a joke. I’m sorry. Did enjoy the book, though.

    I did. I’ll go away now.

  6. Whadda ya say, Mr. PAD?

    (And fellow David devotees, how are ya?)

    This is something that just occurred to me–dismiss it if you will, but something just compelled me to do it!!

    (My appointment at Exorcisms-R-Us is a week from Thanksgiving, keep your fingers crossed.)

    But, if a movie version of “Knight Life” is made—there is only *one* song appropriate for the theme.

    And this, of course, is “Night Life”—as written by Willie Nelson and performed by Al Hirt and the Anita Kerr singers.

    What, you’ve never heard it? Go look through your vinyl albums—the ’64 “Sugar Lips” one to be precise. I’ll wait.

    Ok, back? A little old-fashioned? I prefer to think of it as “classic”. However, if you prefer, maybe Diana Krall can record a new version (she plays a helluva baby grand), and, maybe (pretty please), you could hire me as the music consultant?

    Izzit a deal?

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