This off the AOL news ticker as it discusses the “increased chatter” that has the FBI at high alert, worried about an imminent terrorist attack…

‘Sources suggest al-Qaida may favor spectacular attacks that meet several criteria: high symbolic value, mass casualties, severe damage to the U.S. economy and maximum psychological trauma,” says the alert, which was posted on the FBI’s Web site early Friday.’

I keep thinking about this, and keep coming back to the same unpleasant notion:

The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is in less than two weeks.

Thanksgiving. Celebration related to this country’s founding. Sponsored by the largest department store in the world. Televised. Thousands and thousands of people. Big balloons. Big floats with celebrities. Big targets. Hundreds upon hundreds of overlooking windows from which gunmen can be positioned, turning the concrete canyons into a shooting gallery. Hëll, the moment the packed-in crowds panic, the stampede alone will kill and injure hundreds.

They’d never hold another Macy’s parade. For that matter, every major parade in America would likely be canceled because security is impossible to provide. Would YOU march in one?

No one start yelling at me that I’m giving them ideas. If they could think of flying airplanes into the WTC, they can think of this all by themselves. If they’re going to do it, it’s already in the works.

I hope I’m wrong. I was wrong about the shooter in Maryland. I might be wrong about this as well.

But if you’re going…watch your back.