Does anyone out there read “Get Fuzzy,” the hilarious comic strip that has–until now–told of Satchel and Rob, a dog and his owner respectively, who are routinely terrorized by Bucky, the resident cat?

If so, regular readers must be wetting themselves over the current sequence that has Bucky pushing the usually submissive Satchel too far. After insulting Satchel’s friends, calling them “Eurotrash,” Satchel terrorizes the utterly stunned Bucky.

Great stuff.


26 comments on “DOG DAYS

  1. Today’s strip actually had me feeling sorry for Bucky. Also, _Get Fuzzy_ has been collected in TPB. It’s a riot.

  2. Go Satchel! It’s about time he pushed back on that obnoxious cat!

    Can’t wait to see what develops.

  3. I’ve been reading this for a while now and, you’re right, it’s nice to see Satchel get some of his own back.

    Plus, this comic had the best tribute to the late Douglas N. Adams. It was both touching and funny.

    Good stuff.

  4. i loved get fuzzy from the beginning and i have both paperbacks. and i just have to say i am very glad Stachel is finally standing up to Bucky. can’t wait till tommorow’s to see what happens now 🙂

  5. Satchel’s gotten a zinger in on Bucky every now and then… but it’s about time Bucky REALLY got a dose of his own medicine…

    I’ve been pushing this strip on my friends since Day One… the artist is originally from my hometown (we don’t know each other, tho…), so the local paper has been carrying it since it started…

    And there’s three books… two regular, one oversized with select strips from the first two books…

    I hope Darby Conley can keep this strip running a *long* time…

  6. Yeah, that’s what I like to see! Poor Satchel always playing victim to Bucky’s cruelty. THis must be a mirror-universe Satchel though, I’m glad that weblink you posted has the current strips rather than just upto a few days old, John L.

    I’ve given up on the local papers here in Detroit so I usually only see the stirp on Sundays (more for the circulars and coupons) and when Ia new collection book comes out.

  7. Oh, it’s beautiful. Time for Bucky to get his commeuppance. And yet, I can’t helpremembering the time Satchel broke his arm and losts his watch, and Satchel cared enough to find the watch for Bucky. It’s little touches like that for “Get Fuzzy.”

    That, and I can’t resist the sight of Bucky in his snuggle-all carrier. He’s so cute and pìššëd øff, all at the same time.

  8. Lord, I LOVE ‘Get Fuzzy’!! The current ‘arc’ tops the hysterical one from this summer wherein Bucky took his nemesis, the ferret, to court over a broken tooth….Judge Judy’s court, that is!!

    I’d been reading the strip off the u-comics website long before The Tampa Tribune finally wised up and started carrying it several months ago!! Then…as now…it’s been my experience that choosy comic strip readers choose ‘…Fuzzy’!!


  9. I’m not so sure that’s Satchel, though. I noticed something this morning that makes me wonder.

    And no, I’m not going to say what it was. 🙂


  10. >>I noticed something this morning that makes me wonder.<<

    Good eye, Jeff!! I noticed it, too!!

    But I won’t tell, either!!


  11. I noticed it, too — but didn’t think of it as a possible clue that he wasn’t Satchel until I read this here (I thought it was a mistake in the drawing) — hmm, now I wonder.

    Or maybe IT just controls him a little? Makes him the sweet puppy that he usually is?

  12. I recently have been getting into Get fuzzy when my local paper started carrying it. It is one the cleverest comics i’ve read in a while. I love the current story Arch. Bucky is finally getting what he deserves he is such a nasty cat but at the same time you can’t help but love him. Maybe not love. Something like love. I can’t wait to see what happens next

  13. I agree, Get Fuzzy is one of the better comic strips out there today. Ranks right up there with The Norm, Sherman’s Lagoon and Foxtrot.

    Heck, my wife likes it so much that she named our new kitten “Bucky” since she looks so much like Bucky (except for the ears always being laid back).

    I also noticed the “clue” today, and even looked back over the past couple of days, it hasn’t been shown on panel since last week.


  14. I guess I’m missing something. Maybe you have to follow this strip day after day, but I’ve never laughed once, any time I’ve read Get Fuzzy. I just checked out the last three strips on the site, and … nope. Nothing.

    But I’m glad you’re all enjoying it. I have to admit I’m mystified as to why, but that’s why they make chocolate & vanilla, I guess.


  15. I LOVE Get Fuzzy. The newspaper I work for, the Watertown Daily Times, recently added Get Fuzzy, so I get to look at the proofs and read way ahead. 😉

    It’s the best new syndicated strip in quite some time. Up there with “Heart of the City” and “The Norm.”

  16. Aaah, nuts!!

    Well, Jeff and….Jeff, today’s strip certainly shoots that theory all to hëll!!

    It’s almost as bad ( although fun ) as trying to figure out what the deal with Spike is over on ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’ these days!!

    Hmm…’Bucky The Vampire Slayer’??


  17. No kidding, shot down in flames.

    But even the biggest walkover softies have a hard side too. Satch is just showing his character, and growing.


  18. I thought it might be the watch, if that is what you were alluding to.

    I really like this strip. It has been getting better over time.

  19. Reply to JohnP: I’m not entirely sure myself, but I think the “IT” they’re referring to is Satchel’s watch. Since it’s present in the latest strip, the theory’s pretty well dead. (course, if it turns out anyway, I will have to live with the eternal shame of naming “IT” prematurely…)

  20. “The Norm.”

    “Fox Trot.”

    “Get Fuzzy.”

    Three highly-entertaining strips my paper (the Baltimore Sun) does not carry.

    We got “Mary Worth,” though, and “Rex Morgan, MD,” and “Apartment 3-G,” and “Sally Forth” and “Snuffy Smith.”

    Yeah, it’s great being in a one-newspaper town, boy…thank God for trade paperbacks.

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