Boy, I really wish that “The Daily Show” or “SNL Weekend Update” took outside submissions. ‘Cause I’d love to send them this notion that occurred to me:

German officials stated they would not be filing child endangerment charges against singer Michael Jackson for his dangling his infant son over a five story balcony. However, German legal experts admitted that arrest and prosecution would have been far more likely if Jackson had been a black man.


20 comments on “JON? TINA? YOU OUT THERE?

  1. Well, it’d also fit in real well with what the Boondocks comic strip is doing this week (in McGruder’s continuing attempt to position the strip as the left wing equivalent of Mallard Fillmore)

  2. Okay, when the anchor reads the bit, do they put the emphasis on “black” or “man”?

  3. That is funny…

    But it would be worthless in the hands of either SNL or the Daily Show since Stewart, Fay and “Adam Sandler Wannabe” have no delivery skills….

  4. Okay Peter, knowing your sense of humor, I’ll bite.

    If Michael Jackson ISN’T a black man, then what is he?

  5. That just really made me laugh outlouad.

    Maybe you should put in an application to be a writer on the Daily Show. That show is great, and your brand of humor could really fit.

  6. Now THAT is funny… Tina Fey is a comedic goddess but SNL has been weak the last two years. They need to transplant half of the Daily Show writing staff over to SNL to fix it.

  7. Yves St. Germain wrote:

    “That is funny… But it would be worthless in the hands of either SNL or the Daily Show since Stewart, Fay and “Adam Sandler Wannabe” have no delivery skills…. “

    Ummm… that was a joke, right? I can’t understand how anyone that’s seen Stewart or the Fey/Fallon team would say that. Stewart and his crew are genius and the Fey/Fallon team are the best anchors for “Weekend Update” since Dennis Miller.



  8. No offense intended, but I gotta make a comment here…

    Gee, and people wonder why Michael Jackson fans hate the press so much! Something like this gets all over the papers, and the good things he does get no publicity. I’m not asking for much, just for the press to acknowledge the little things, like getting nominated for Nobel Peace Prizes and such…

  9. Charity, I don’t remember Jimmy Carter dangling infants out of fourth story windows. It’s not a matter of how much good stuff he does, it’s ll about the screwed up stuff he does on a regular basis.

    If he did the good and didn’t freak out and to the stupid stuff, he would be held in much higher regards today. The fact alone that he was a black man, became a pale grey something, and then said it was natural and not plastic surgery just asks for some thought on his mental stability. The baby incident just lends to the theory that he’s lost his mind.

    The media loves to report the bad over the good, sure. He’s just given the media ample material to run with over the years.

  10. hun, never heard of this and I am living in Germany. Seems our press did not make such a big thing of it.

    Did they really say this? Are they ignorant? Don’t they know his past? Or what?

    But a good joke.

  11. Ah, Michael Jackson. To steal an old joke, only in America can a poor black boy grow up to be a rich Chinese woman. Didja see that TV GUIDE cover where he was a dead ringer for Helena Bonham Carter in ‘Planet of The Apes’?

    To me, the more disturbing thing is that he has two sons named Prince Michael and Prince Michael II. There’s also a daughter named something like Naomi Michael.

    Obvious question, in 2020 will The Jacksons be The Obsournes or Edwina and Saffy from ABFAB?

  12. Does anyone think those are actually his kids? The one who got dangled had pretty pale arms and last time I checked, plastic surgery doesn’t change your genetic information. With Macaulay and the llamas and the lawsuits, maybe “Billie Jean” wasn’t a denial so much as an explanation.

  13. Again, no offense intended.

    He has stated it was a mistake and I believe it. Of course it was stupid to have the child hanging over the balcony, but how that different from locking a child in the car or falling asleep when you are supposed to be watching them. Those aren’t good, but every parent has done something like at some time, purely by accident.

    I understand the press is going to report the bad stuff, but there is so much other stuff going on that most people never hear, and I think its only fair some of the good stuff is discussed as well.

    For example, recently, the only thing you hear about is that he held his child out over the balcony. But thats not the only thing that has been going on. He has also won an Artist of the Millennium Bambi Award, been involved in a strage trial about some concerts which never happened, and worn reading glasses in public for the first time.

    Also, it gets annoying when the tabloids make up stuff about him, when way more interesting are really happening.

    The reason his skin is so light now is vitiligo. That is an disease which affects skin pigmentation. He discussed it in the Oprah interview.

    His daughters name is Paris. Prince I looks like mommy, Paris looks like daddy. Someone figured out around the time Prince I was born that it was a 50/50 change that the baby would have light or dark skin. That because mommy would have double recessive genetics (light skin) and daddy probably had dominant/recessive (dark skin, but he has a white grandmother, and if you check pictures after he has adult features, but before the plastic surgury, he has some caucasion features, so he probably has her recessive gene.)

    Anyway, my theory is, if they get thier skin genes skin from mommy, maybe they won’t get vitiligo.

    Billie Jean was about some crazy Jackson 5 era fans.

    (You know – I got through those insane political discussions without posting. I get it takes something really important to get me to post ^_^)

  14. Julio Diaz wrote:

    “Ummm… that was a joke, right? I can’t understand how anyone that’s seen Stewart or the Fey/Fallon team would say that. Stewart and his crew are genius and the Fey/Fallon team are the best anchors for “Weekend Update” since Dennis Miller.

    Best, Julio “

    No, it wasn’t a joke Julio. I think that they [all 3] are really boring. I have not cracked one smile watching either of them.

    The only one worst than them IS Dennis Miller… talk about wanting to be the “thinking man’s comic”…

    Say hi to Cheryl, Julio 😉

    Yves, Julio’s ex-comic book guy

  15. “The reason his skin is so light now is vitiligo. That is an disease which affects skin pigmentation. He discussed it in the Oprah interview.”

    Wow.. if you actually believe that, I’ve got a piece of land to sell you… well… anywhere you’d like to buy it. Does a disintigrating nose come along with that “disease” as well?

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