It occurs to me we should have a centralized place to solicit comments when something of mine comes out. So on Fridays when a comic of mine comes out, we’ll do a “NU? WHAD’JA THINK?”

Curiously, a line of dialogue was dropped out on story page 10. The exchange, between Superboy and Mxy, is supposed to go like this:

SUPERBOY: Me and my buds, Young Justice, ran into a teen version of you. Why, we helped make you the, uh, man you are today.

(Mxy looks stunned.)

MXY: That was…you?

SUPER: Yeah!

MXY: That was you guys?!?

SUPER: That’s right! You remember?!

(And a giant robotic booted foot slams down on Superboy, wiping him out of the frame.)


(Angle on the foot, slamming down into the pavement.)


(Worm’s eye view of the robot, about thirty stories tall, lifting its foot in the act of walking, and we see Superboy smeared on the bottom of the robot’s foot. Mxy is thoughtfully scratching his chin.

MXY: Can’t say as I do.

For some reason, the “That’s right! You remember?” line vanished. So Mxy’s “Can’t say as I do” reads very oddly.

Also, without desiring to give major storypoints away, I feel the need to respond to initial confusion from readers. The Superman who appears in the story and talks to Kara is *not* the real Superman. He is an actor whom Mxy endows with Superman’s powers. So all of his dialogue and advice to Kara is through the prism of a guy who has actor friends who have dealt with overzealous fans. Unfortunately, although this was made abundantly clear in the text, apparently a coloring error (the fake Superman from the current Man of Steel, which this ties in with, has red hair; the one in SUPERGIRL does not) prompted some readers to think that this was simply Superman being insensitive.

The Kara storyline is a tricky one. The problem is that Kara’s first instinct is to find Superman. If she finds him first crack out of the box, he’s immediately going to take charge of the situation, and I’m no longer writing a SUPERGIRL story. I’m writing a SUPERMAN story where Linda Danvers is a supporting character at best. The fake Superman who was going to be in MOS provided the perfect answer. Unfortunately, the colorist apparently didn’t know to make his hair red, and bam. Instead of the perfect answer, we have confused readers.

The joys of comic books.

So whad’ja think?