Well, the saga of Gwen is apparently being eagerly followed over on “All the Rage,” and we wouldn’t want to leave them (or you) hanging. So here it is:

Gwen will be working Saturdays, 11 to 5, at the New England Comics Allston Store. She actually worked in one of the other stores yesterday. When one customer bought “Supergirl,” she gave him a big thumbs up and said, “You should always buy this comic.” He looked at her in utter bewilderment and said, “Yeaaah, it’s, uh, pretty good,” and then beat feet out of there hastily.

So swing on by Saturdays and say hi.


10 comments on “GWEN UPDATE!

  1. In this economy, getting work is all in who you know. Someday, we may all say we knew Gwen when.

  2. Here’s a completely random and irrelevant question. Does PAD know what went wrong with the Hulk animated series from a few years back? (considering he was, I think, writing the book at the time…)

  3. Peter, neither you nor your daughter should take that amusing story personally. Comic book fans have a hard time making eye contact and holding conversations with people. Hëll, I’m in Marketing, and I usually start out most of my product demonstrations with: “Hi there. Homina, homina, homina.”

  4. The street that store is on has the highest density of asian restaurants per square foot than anywhere else I know in the US. The place across from that store used to be called “Ducky Wok” and had a picture of duck with a cute hat holding a fork and spoon. Don’t know what it’s called now…

  5. I just hope nobody says to her that they think you are a dìçk (which you are, by the way).

  6. Actually, Mr. Mason, Mr. David is a *writer* not a detective–though (as any regular reader of his knows) he is intelligent enough to be one!

    And he has been known to *write* the occasional detective story.

    That is what I am under the impression you mean when you refer to him as a “dìçk”.

    If it isn’t, I really don’t want to hear about it.

    Well, thanks for adding a little sunshine to all our lives, Mr. M.


    P.S. Mr. PAD, don’t let him bother you, just consider the source.

  7. “Consider the source?” Was that supposed to be derogatory? I think it is funny, because neither one of you know me from Adam. Truth is, while PAD may be a good writer, as a person he is an áššhølë. He hangs with other áššhølëš like Harlan Ellison, so godawful paranoid he thinks every person in a comic book with a beard and glasses is him and an insult, and associates himself with the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, an organization best served if it would mind its own business and stop defending obscene and objectionable material.

  8. No, Mr. Mason, it wasn’t derogatory, it was disdainful.

    There is a difference. A subtle one, but still a difference.

    First, I (emphasis I, I do not speak for Mr. David, and did not in my post), so you should not attack *him* for my comments.

    I have nothing against you as a person—though I’m getting there–my objection was to your rather juvenile slur toward Mr. David.

    I found your comment in very poor taste, considering the rest of us were expressing our good wishes toward his daughter’s job.

    Look, pal, your right to your opinion is not under question.

    If you think Mr. David (or his friends) are worthy of your contempt, well, that’s one thing.

    I just think you should have the courtesy to express your feelings in person (or, if you *must* a private letter) rather than insulting him publicly on a website.

    We now return you to your regular state of misanthropy.

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