Okay, fine. We’ve been asked to do it, and we’ll do it.

Announcing the official “Little David Baby Pool,” in which entrants are challenged to guess specifics about the future offspring of Peter and Kathleen David.

Just so everyone is starting off on even footing: The original sonograms at 8 and 20 weeks projected a due date of December 18. A sonogram taken yesterday puts it at December 9. Early sonos are usually more accurate than later; however, the OB/GYN has stated that the baby could come at any time. Meantime, conventional wisdom states that first pregnancies are frequently late. None of the sonos were forthcoming about gender because the baby remained firmly in the fetal position…although, really, you can’t hold it against the kid because, y’know, if you can’t be in the fetal position while you’re a fetus, when CAN you be?

Entries are judged on the following criteria, in this order by process of elimination:

1) Gender.

2) Date of Birth

3) Weight

4) Time of Birth

I based the order on the most asked questions we get (“Do you know the gender? When’s it due?”) So in other words, get the gender correct and you move on to the next level of judgment. Get the date right but the gender wrong and you’re SOL. The person who gets gender and DOB correct wins. If more than one person gets gender and DOB right, we move on to tie-breakers such as weight and time of birth. That way we dont’ have to referee if multiple people guess the same gender and DOB, because the other criteria will certainly determine a winner.

What’s the winner get? His or her choice of either signed editions of all three cover variants of CAPTAIN MARVEL #1, or a signed copy of “SIR APROPOS OF NOTHING” (ppbk) and the sequel, “THE WOAD TO WUIN” (hc).

All entries should be right here at this thread at www.peterdavid.net. That way everything’s open and above board. E-mail submissions directly to my AOL account will not be counted.


154 comments on “EVERYBODY INTO THE POOL

  1. What the hëll, I’ll give it a shot :).

    Gender: Female

    Date: Dec. 16

    Weight: 8 lbs, 1 ounce

    Time: 7:47 p.m.

    Paul F. P. Pogue

  2. Girl, 12/16/2002, 6 pounds 5 ounces, 12:45 A.M.

    If I win auction my prizes off to support CBLDF!

  3. Gender: Female (so far your 3 for 3)

    Day: December 7 (Ariel was born on Labor Day, so this kid can live in infamy, or be considered a belated Hanukkah gift)

    Weight: 7lbs, 3oz

    Time: 8:00 a.m.

    Happy Hanukkah and God bless.

  4. Gender: male (aren’t all your other kids girls?)

    Date of birth: Friday, December 13

    Weight: 8 pounds, 0 (zero) ounces

    Time: 7:06 AM

    Oh, and before I forget:

    /me summons Narn Bat Squad to whack Keith

  5. Shana Robin David: But I don’t want a copy of Captain whatever. How about the placenta? PLEASE?

    Geez, Shana, what are you, a cat? The first time I met Peter was at the last Fred Greenberg convetion in NYC, where you were present, and upon seeing my stack of comics, told me you could fake his signature.

    First your dad’s signature, and now your sibling’s placenta? Can’t you be satisified with anything of your OWN???


  6. I am very good at guessing gender, but it depends on sight. So..

    1. Male (playing the odds here)

    2. Dec. 25 (because of the comedic potential)

    3. 8’3 ounces

    4. 4:20 am.

  7. Boy(because you don’t have one of those yet); 12/16/02(make the doctor work on the weekend); 8#8oz(babies are bigger nowadays); 2:00 AM(because that’s when the bars close). Have fun! Helen and Glenn Hakanson(met all three of you at the San Diego Con in August).

  8. The bad part about picking dates is that if you pick a date that’s after the due date you make the mother to be sad. On that note…


    Dec. 24

    8lb 12 oz

    11:15 pm

    Don’t feel the pressure to name him Jesus…even though the orginal was a nice Jewish boy who went into his father’s business….

    As long as he/she is healthy and happy all the rest doesn’t mater, best of luck. I hope it is earlier for Katherine’s sake…

  9. Gender: Male

    Date: 12/13

    Weight: 7 lbs, 8 oz

    Time: 7:50 am

    Make sure to teach him how to bowl. My father and I still bowl together every week (I’m now 33). Its a great time.

  10. Female

    Friday, Dec. 13, 2002

    8.5 ilbs


    11:15a on the 13th is when I’ll be seeing “Nemisis.” I thought it appropriate.

    Anyway, lot’s of luck – after all, you’ve just invited a complete stranger to stay in your house and mooch off your finances for the next eighteen years. 😛 You’ll do fine.

  11. Based on absolutely nothing:

    Boy, 12/17, 8 lbs 10 oz, 2:15 AM.

    –or, probably around the time I sit down to create this year’s Xmas card…

    Best wishes,


  12. Wishing you and the family congratulations and very good wishes,

    Boy (Just for the change of pace)

    December 9 (I’m betting those highly paid and trained professionals know something. Besides, the earlier date is much kinder for Momma.)

    6 lb, 10 oz (Again with hope for Katherine)

    3:00 PM

  13. OK…here we go. With some input from my wife, we’re going with:

    Gender: female

    Date: 12/13 (opening date for Nemesis…could the kid be *that*…well…apropos as to arrive when the latest Trek movie opens, seeing as how Daddy writes some Trek novels?)

    Weight: 9 lbs, 4 oz

    Time of Birth: 6:27 pm

    Whether we win or not…congratulations to both of you!

  14. Let see….



    7lb. 13oz.

    10:16 am.

    Good luck to Mom, Baby & Dad. I hope it’s an easy labor and delivery for all involved.


  15. October of 2003. No, wait, that’s your other baby…


    December 6

    8 pounds, 2 ounces

    12 noon

  16. Female

    December 10th

    7 lbs 2ozs

    12:48 pm

    Good Luck, and here’s to a happy and safe delivery and most of all, a happy and healthy baby!!

  17. Gender: Male

    Date of birth: December 13th, 2002

    Weight: 6lbs, 11ozs.

    Arrived at 3:29 am, edt.

    (although labor started late the night before)

    Good luck to one and all in the David household.

  18. Male

    Dec 16th

    7 pounds, 2 ounces

    12:31 A.M.

    And as everyone else has said congrats and good luck!

  19. 1) Male

    2) Dec 20, 2002

    3) 8 pounds, 3 Ounces

    4) 2:37 AM

    All that really matters is that it is healthy…

  20. Wow… there’s already 90 some-odd people ahead of me. Hope I don’t get lost in the crowd!

    Okay… let’s see here…

    1.) Female

    2.) December 12th

    3.) 7 pound, 2 Ounces

    4.) 9:33pm

    Good luck and Congrats! >8(^_^)8<

  21. (1) Female

    (2) December 11th

    (3) 8 lbs., 1 oz.

    (4) 12:14 AM

    Although, I almost fear Harlan Ellison was right when he guessed “Tricycle”…

    Congrats and good luck!

  22. 1) Gender : Male [maybe even bald]

    2) Date of Birth : Dec 14th

    3) Weight : 7lbs 5 oz

    4) Time of Birth : 10:40 am

    Best of luck 🙂

  23. 1) Gender: Male

    2) DOB: 12/10

    3) Weight: 7 lb 13 oz (babies aren’t measured in troy ozs, are they?)

    4) TOB: 3:02 PM

    Congrats, good luck, and go Saints.

  24. Here’s my pick:

    1. Female

    2. Dec. 20

    3. 8lbs 2oz

    4. 11:32 pm

    Hope you’ve finished your Holiday shopping, wrapping & partying. Sleep while you can and get as far ahead of your writing assignments as possible!! 😉

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