Okay, fine. We’ve been asked to do it, and we’ll do it.

Announcing the official “Little David Baby Pool,” in which entrants are challenged to guess specifics about the future offspring of Peter and Kathleen David.

Just so everyone is starting off on even footing: The original sonograms at 8 and 20 weeks projected a due date of December 18. A sonogram taken yesterday puts it at December 9. Early sonos are usually more accurate than later; however, the OB/GYN has stated that the baby could come at any time. Meantime, conventional wisdom states that first pregnancies are frequently late. None of the sonos were forthcoming about gender because the baby remained firmly in the fetal position…although, really, you can’t hold it against the kid because, y’know, if you can’t be in the fetal position while you’re a fetus, when CAN you be?

Entries are judged on the following criteria, in this order by process of elimination:

1) Gender.

2) Date of Birth

3) Weight

4) Time of Birth

I based the order on the most asked questions we get (“Do you know the gender? When’s it due?”) So in other words, get the gender correct and you move on to the next level of judgment. Get the date right but the gender wrong and you’re SOL. The person who gets gender and DOB correct wins. If more than one person gets gender and DOB right, we move on to tie-breakers such as weight and time of birth. That way we dont’ have to referee if multiple people guess the same gender and DOB, because the other criteria will certainly determine a winner.

What’s the winner get? His or her choice of either signed editions of all three cover variants of CAPTAIN MARVEL #1, or a signed copy of “SIR APROPOS OF NOTHING” (ppbk) and the sequel, “THE WOAD TO WUIN” (hc).

All entries should be right here at this thread at www.peterdavid.net. That way everything’s open and above board. E-mail submissions directly to my AOL account will not be counted.


154 comments on “EVERYBODY INTO THE POOL

  1. Here goes my shot in the dark:

    Gender: Female

    DOB: December 21

    Weight: 8 lbs. 5oz.

    Time: 10:42 pm

    Congratulations and wishes for much happiness all around!

  2. We’ll go with my specifics since I’m incredibly vain.

    Gender: Male

    When: Dec 21

    Weight: 7.9

    Time: 5:30 p.m.

    And since I haven’t said it yet, CONGRATS!

    Rob R.

  3. I’ll go with:

    1) Male

    2) December 17, 2002

    3) 8 pounds 7 ounces

    4) 7:34 PM, Eastern Standard Time

    Congratulations on the impending new arrival!



  4. Female (‘cos it’s the trend)

    December 26th (‘cos we were all born on holidays and the 26th is not only Foxy Boxing Day, but it’s also the first day of Kwanzaa)

    7lb 3oz (for no particular reason)

    3:14 pm (again, for no reason in particular)

  5. 1) Gender = Male

    2) Date of Birth = Dec 16 2002

    3) Weight = 8 lbs 9 oz

    4) Time of Birth = 7:14am

    And now for my next magical trick, I’ll pull a rabbit out of a hat… (Unless you’d prefer a rabbi… but I’d need a much larger hat.)

  6. Gender: It’s a girl.

    Date of Birth: December 5th

    Weight: 8 lbs

    Time: 5:45 pm

    And Peter, congratulations!

  7. I’ll go with my already claimed date and time that presumably started the thread;



    7 lb. 14 oz.

    6:30 am

    And I have to be right, since at that time I’ll achieve the age at which I am the Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. 🙂

  8. 1) Gender. Female

    2) Date of Birth. Dec. 27, 2002

    3) Weight. 6lbs. 3oz.

    4) Time of Birth 2:13 A.M.

  9. I’m going with Male (there’s gotta be some fast Y swimmers in there somewhere…)

    December 7th

    8lbs., 10oz.


    Good luck, no matter who ends up being right…

  10. Let’s go with:


    December 11

    7 pounds, 13 ounces

    1:10 am (sorry, guys)

    Primarily because that was

    my experience last year with my son Kieran Danger Barre, and I ended up winning my own baby pool.

    We’ll go for two in a row.


  11. 1) Male

    2) Dec. 17

    3) 6 lbs 5 oz

    4) 4:31 PM


    Wishing you and your wife all the best!

  12. Gender: Female (sorry, man, but my dad went 4 for 4 on boys and I figure the karmic scales have to be balanced somehow)

    DOB: 12/15/2002

    Weight: 9 lbs. 7.5 oz. (chunky style!)

    Time: 6:45 AM

    Mazel tov and best wishes.

  13. 1. Male

    2. December 14th

    3. 7lbs 7oz

    4. 6:35pm

    Good luck, Kathleen! (Oh, and Peter 😀 )

  14. might as well give it a shot:

    sex: female

    date: 12/22

    weight: 8lbs 3oz

    time: 7:35 pm

    merry wishes and happy holidays!

  15. 1) Gender – Male

    2) Date of Birth – December 19

    3) Weight – 8 lbs 5 oz

    4) Time of Birth – 7:05 PM

    Why those picks? They happen to be my gender, my date of birth, my weight at birth, and my time of birth. Who knows.



  16. hear is my guess lucky or not


    dec. 15 2002

    8 lbs 2 oz.

    3:41 am

    good luck i hope all gose well

  17. OK, I like many others can’t resist the lure of the pool.


    December 18

    8 lbs, 6 oz

    7:18 am

    Best wishes to all, and congrats!


    PS-If the baby is a Hermat, who wins the pool? 😉 j/k

  18. Allright, I’m in.


    Dec. 15

    7 lbs, 3 oz.

    11:15 am.

    Congratulations, and as postman Mr. McFeely said on Mr. Rodger’s Neighborhood, “Speedy Delivery!”


  19. Delurking to enter the pool…

    Gender: Male

    Date: 12/10

    Weight: 7 lb 5 oz

    Time: 9:14 AM

    Congratulations to the happy family!


  20. Don’t just stand there, everybody into the pool.

    1) Male

    2) Dec. 14

    3) 7lb 7oz

    4) 8:23 am

    All the best.

Comments are closed.