–thirty dollars!

To my complete surprise, I received a money order for $30 from Syosset Lanes. Prize money from the Pro/Am. Surprised the hëll out of me. My first “earnings” bowling.

What was even more astonishing was that, according to the documentation, I’d finished 43rd. Considering there were over eight hundred bowlers entered, that’s not bad. So I’m a happy camper.

And hey! No dissing of David Traber, as I’ve seen elsewhere. One should never judge if someone’s an áššhølë by how they come across on TV. Especially when their confidence level in their abilities is so low that they’d been packing up and preparing to leave when they qualified, and they’re abruptly thrust into the position of trying to be clever and banter on national TV without a lot of experience doing so. Professional actors in similar situations have scripts to work off. So do, I would surmise, pro wrestlers. And most pro athletes can talk about team efforts. Bowling is very individual.

What I know is that, during the Pro/Am, he gave me more help and pointers than any other Pro, and helped turn my game around. So however folks think he came across in TV, in “real life” he’s anything but arrogant.