Conventional wisdom says that first babies are usually late, and that labor can be twenty hours and up.

Well, no one ever said Kathleen David was conventional.

On the eve of the worst snowstorm to hit Long Island in two years, I took Kathleen–whose contractions were coming every four minutes apart–to the hospital last night at 12:15 AM, and as of 2:54 PM this afternoon, Caroline Helen David was born. Mother and very bewildered daughter (a look I’m become quite used to from my children) are doing fine.

As is Todd Morton, the winner of the pool who nailed gender and DOB, and edged out his closest competitor, Santiago Casares (who also got gender and DOB), with his guess of 7 pounds, 1 oz (actual weight: 6 pounds, 13 ounces) as opposed to Santiago’s guess of eight pounds even. But you know what? Santiago did come closer on the time (5:45 PM compared to Todd’s 7:45 PM). So I’ll give Todd first choice of the two prizes, and Santiago gets the other.

I’m going to sleep now.