Conventional wisdom says that first babies are usually late, and that labor can be twenty hours and up.

Well, no one ever said Kathleen David was conventional.

On the eve of the worst snowstorm to hit Long Island in two years, I took Kathleen–whose contractions were coming every four minutes apart–to the hospital last night at 12:15 AM, and as of 2:54 PM this afternoon, Caroline Helen David was born. Mother and very bewildered daughter (a look I’m become quite used to from my children) are doing fine.

As is Todd Morton, the winner of the pool who nailed gender and DOB, and edged out his closest competitor, Santiago Casares (who also got gender and DOB), with his guess of 7 pounds, 1 oz (actual weight: 6 pounds, 13 ounces) as opposed to Santiago’s guess of eight pounds even. But you know what? Santiago did come closer on the time (5:45 PM compared to Todd’s 7:45 PM). So I’ll give Todd first choice of the two prizes, and Santiago gets the other.

I’m going to sleep now.


110 comments on “EVERYBODY OUT OF THE POOL

  1. Aw, rats. I was hoping for a litter of jackals…

    Anyway, congragulations to Mister and Mrs. David and their brand new angel of steel. Caroline is a beautiful name; she’ll have a lot to live up to, though.

    And she was born on Hannukah, during a snowstorm. A sick sense of humor DOES run in the family.

  2. Congratulations! A blessing on you and your family! Your daughter should live a long, healthy, happy life, and every day should be better than the previous for her.

    And the same for your other children, of course.

    What a Hannukah gift! Again, congratulations and the very best to you and yours in this holiday season!

    Eric L. Sofer

    The Silver Age Fogey


  3. Congratulations! December 5th is a great day for a birthday. It being my birthday as well, of course!

    Welcome to the little Sagittarius!

  4. As a long-time reader, fan, and admirer, I’d just like to say “Congratulations.” 🙂 May all of you be blessed with fantastic health. 🙂

  5. I think it was wrong for John Byrne to not congratulate you. Karma, dude.

    What goes around comes around.

  6. Well, this will teach me to take a week or two vacation and not keep on whats up with PAD.

    Many congrats, Peter, and to Kathleen, too. My wife got to come up to the podium to see the ultrasounds in San Diego, and we’ve been waiting for the event ever since.

    (If it’s any apology for not being here to congratulate you sooner, I did take my wife on a surprise date to the Adventurers Club whilst in Orlando last week, on the strength of your recommendation and experiences, and had an absolute blast.)

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