Conventional wisdom says that first babies are usually late, and that labor can be twenty hours and up.

Well, no one ever said Kathleen David was conventional.

On the eve of the worst snowstorm to hit Long Island in two years, I took Kathleen–whose contractions were coming every four minutes apart–to the hospital last night at 12:15 AM, and as of 2:54 PM this afternoon, Caroline Helen David was born. Mother and very bewildered daughter (a look I’m become quite used to from my children) are doing fine.

As is Todd Morton, the winner of the pool who nailed gender and DOB, and edged out his closest competitor, Santiago Casares (who also got gender and DOB), with his guess of 7 pounds, 1 oz (actual weight: 6 pounds, 13 ounces) as opposed to Santiago’s guess of eight pounds even. But you know what? Santiago did come closer on the time (5:45 PM compared to Todd’s 7:45 PM). So I’ll give Todd first choice of the two prizes, and Santiago gets the other.

I’m going to sleep now.


110 comments on “EVERYBODY OUT OF THE POOL

  1. Allow me to be the first to congratulate you both! Nice work, Kathleen!!

    and curse you, Santiago Casares!

  2. A tremendous congratulations to you both, Peter and Kathleen.

    ANOTHER girl? Peter, shouldn’t 50% of your children be boys, statistically speaking? Of course, you’ll love them the same no matter what, but still….

  3. Congrats, Mr. David!

    Oh. Since this is my first time posting anything here, I thought I’d take the time to thank you for something.

    Way, way back, when I was around 9 years old, a book you wrote — “Worf’s First Adventure” — was the first real book that I ever read. I was never into reading books before that, but your book turned me on to literature. I’m very muchly the avid reader these days, and it’s partially due to you. So, now, 8 years later, I’d like to thank you for opening up the world of literature to me. Yeah, sounds sappy, but whatdahey.

    Oh, and I thought it was the First Evil when I first saw “Lessons,” too. 😉

  4. Congratulations to the whole family, and especially Kathleen! I admit, I was wondering earlier when there was still no new post if maybe, just maybe… 🙂

  5. That is excellent news. I am glad you and your family are safe and sound. Congratulations. You might want to stock up on that sleep now, because you’re going to need it later!

  6. Congrats, Peter and Kath, on your blessing!

    There’s not much else I can say, other than I hope that baby and mother are doing great. I love the baby’s name, too.

    Anyway, best to the extended David family!!!

  7. When I was a young lad, I came up with a list of possible names for my future wife and Caroline was at the top of the list.

    Now I am 26, married to a Becky, and your new daughter is safe from my masculine wiles.

    Congrats to all! And Peter, make sure you take care of that wife just as much as the baby for a while, she’s earned it.

  8. Very best wishes.

    Stock up on sleep now – It’s going to be a prized possesion soon.:)

  9. Congratulations to you and Kathleen, Peter! Can’t wait to see pictures of the new Miss David.

  10. Happy Birthday to Caroline!!

    (Hey, I’m not gonna say “Congratulations” when more than 20 people already said it.)

  11. To All The Davids:

    Glad every thing and the little one turned out all right.

    But Peter: in a couple of days, when you can stop and look at things a little more clearly, did Del Rey and Ariel have some inside information we weren’t privileged to?

  12. Congratulations to the whole David family!

    Also congrats to Santiago Casares, though the real challenge would have been for everyone to use the Jewish calendar for their predictions. 😉 (Kislev 30, 5763 for the curious)

  13. Wait a second. This whole early pregnancy thing sounds fishy to me. I bet you made up Todd Morton and Santiago Casares just so you didn’t have to give out the prize packages. I demand a recount … by hand, of course. This whole voting process was too confusing anyway … I meant to punch the hole for the correct gender and date. I was robbed.

    Oh wait … that only works for presidential elections. Nevermind.

    In all seriousness, congratulations, Peter and Kathleen, on the wonderful addition to your family. May your first child be a masculine one. (Aww, man, not even the Godfather quotes are working here … I’m cutting my losses and getting out of here.)

  14. Congrats, Mr. and Mrs. D. Enjoy. Please give Mr. Casares his choice of the books (time was actually the tougher guess) and save the others for Caroline. She’s got a lot of reading to catch up on.

  15. Congratulations, Mr. David. Please send them along to Mrs. David and wish Caroline Helen a happy birthday as well.


  16. Rats, off by two days. Ah, well.

    Numerous felicitations, congratulations, insert synonym heres, to you and the whole clan. Litle Caroline is probably the cutest baby in all of Long Island (as opposed to all of those ugly babies), but she will probably rue that she was born in the midst of a holiday. Now she will probably get Hannukah/Birthday gifts rather than one of each. Unless you folks celibrate Christmas, the poor tyke will be gyped.

    Hope everyone is happy and healthy,

    Ben Hunt

  17. MAZEL TOV!!!!!!

    (Oh, and while your latest creation makes all others from you besides her sisters pale in comparison, I absolutely loved this week’s Captain Marvel!)

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