Conventional wisdom says that first babies are usually late, and that labor can be twenty hours and up.

Well, no one ever said Kathleen David was conventional.

On the eve of the worst snowstorm to hit Long Island in two years, I took Kathleen–whose contractions were coming every four minutes apart–to the hospital last night at 12:15 AM, and as of 2:54 PM this afternoon, Caroline Helen David was born. Mother and very bewildered daughter (a look I’m become quite used to from my children) are doing fine.

As is Todd Morton, the winner of the pool who nailed gender and DOB, and edged out his closest competitor, Santiago Casares (who also got gender and DOB), with his guess of 7 pounds, 1 oz (actual weight: 6 pounds, 13 ounces) as opposed to Santiago’s guess of eight pounds even. But you know what? Santiago did come closer on the time (5:45 PM compared to Todd’s 7:45 PM). So I’ll give Todd first choice of the two prizes, and Santiago gets the other.

I’m going to sleep now.


110 comments on “EVERYBODY OUT OF THE POOL

  1. Congratulations, guys! The question now is how she’s going to fit into the Shore Leave sketch next year. *cheeky grin*

    Seriously, mazel tov, guys. Mazel tov. 🙂

  2. Congratulations! May this little girl bring you all the joy and good times that you have brought to your readers over the years and in the future!

  3. Mazel Tov!

    And since no one has said this yet: I’m glad CHaD didn’t leave you hanging! 🙂


  4. Welcome to this crazy world Caroline!!! 🙂

    …And congratulations to you both, Kathleen and Peter!!!! 🙂

  5. Welcome to Earth, Caroline! It has it’s problems, but we’re working on them. Having a sense of humor helps – and your dad makes that part easier for a lot of us!

  6. This is wonderful news! Congratulations to Kathleen and Peter and welcome to Caroline! 🙂

  7. Mazel Tov!

    Welcome to the world Caroline Helen David.

    Now, start driving your parents crazy!


  8. May the joy of seeing your new child’s face be but the first of a constant stream of happinesses she grants you and Kath.

    (And may the tradition of the father of the bride paying for the wedding be dead and buried by the time you start marrying off your daughterclan.)

  9. Congratulations Kathleen and Peter!

    And to Caroline Helen, just let me tell you: “happy birthday girl!”.

  10. Because you can never hear it too many times:

    Congratulations, Peter and Kathleen.

    And, of course, a big “Welcome to the world, baby girl” to Caroline.

    May your 2 a.m. feedings be short and few.

  11. Congratulations Peter & Kathleen!!

    Remember Peter, you are not cursed but blessed with another girl. You obviously have a very special caring nature about you that God brings another girl into your life. Either that or you really messed up when you were younger and this is your penance! LOL

    Welcome Caroline! Enjoy your family and have fun with your sisters!

  12. I’ve been lurking here for a while, and I’m delighted that my first message here is one of congratulations to Mr. David and his family, over such a happy moment in their lives.

    Hope your wife’s recovery from labour is quick and easy, and that you have many wonderful moments with your newborn.


  13. Delurking to add my congratulations! The grand parenthood adventure continues, begins anew! All best!

  14. Congratulations, Mazel Tov, and K’Plah to the entire David clan on the completion of another successful “project.”

  15. Congratulations Peter and Kath!

    May Caroline bring you as much joy as Peter’s work has brought to his many fans.

  16. Well, I still have a strong preference for a December 7th birthday for some reason, but congratulations nevertheless. 🙂

    And, for Ariel, I quote what my older niece, then age 5, told her mother just before her sister was born; “I will love my little sister and do everything to help with her. Except that I will *not* change any poopy diapers!”

  17. Congratulations, Peter. May this not impede your bowling progress. 😉

    And snowstorm babies are the best! (I was one, too. =)

    Does this mean that there will be years where people will combine Hannukah and her birthday into one holiday? 😉


  18. To add my voice to the chorus, congratulations on the new arrival – glad it all went smoothly. (And I’m not going to ask what happened to the placenta…)

  19. Congratulations to the whole David Clan!

    The good news here is that as long as Peter has kids, he will have bills. As long as he has bills, he will have to have a job to pay them. Therefore, we are going to be entertained by Mr. David for quite some time!

    Congrats again.

    Mark B.

  20. This better not be some trick to distact our attention from the state of the economy, dummy.

    Good for you and yours.

  21. Whooo HOOO!! A new little Hulkster, a really Young Justice, Private Marvel, and of course a Supergirl!

    Congrats to Mom, Dad, and sisters!

    Welcome to Caroline Helen David!

  22. Belated congrats to Kathleen and Peter for this wonderful event.

    My best wishes for a happy and healthy life for young Caroline.

    Steve Chaput (one-time PAD impersonator)

  23. Congrats Mr. David, as well as to Kathleen and to Caroline’s siblings.

    (I remember a birth announcement in a DC comic years ago in which the baby was announced as an honorary Legionnaire. Maybe Caroline should be considered an honorary member of Young Justice. Then again, maybe not.)

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