Kathleen’s dad has put up, on his website, an array of pictures of the baby and various family members. You can find them at www.homepage.mac.com/donoshea. A couple of the pictures don’t have the right resolution if you click on them to enlarge them, but that’s being worked on and will be straightened out before long.


15 comments on “WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS

  1. She’s adorable, Peter.

    Mom looks good too. (Has she lost weight since the wedding?)


  2. Congratulations. She’s a little beauty. Thanks for sharing the photos with us. We appreciate it.

  3. So, the captions (probably) explain where “Helen” came from, but out of curiosity why’d y’all pick Caroline? There’s one possibility that comes to mind, but it’s not quite the same name.

    Cute kid btw, although of course not quite up to the standards of my nieces. 🙂

  4. “Caroline” is named in memory of Carol Kalish. I just felt “Caroline” went better with “David” than did “Carol,” and also I’m just superstitious enough not to want to give the baby the exact name of someone who died tragically young.


  5. Awww, she’s so beautiful!!!

    OKay, all together now, everybody sing along…

    “Sweeet Caroliiiiine…..”

    Sorry, I have to sing around babies. (Hmmm, maybe that’s why they cry.)


    (who sung Gonzo’s “I’m Going to Go Back There Someday” to his daughter on the night she was born.)

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