23 comments on “CHECK IT OUT

  1. Oh-h-h-h, man!! I voted for George Quincy Bush, and I think those are laugh-out-loud funny!!

    I wonder if Bushie is looking forward to the new reality game / show coming up at mid-season: ‘Celebrity Mohel’??


  2. Doug

    It’s three different photos of president Bush.

    In the first, he’s smiling and the balloons say, “Congratulations to Peter David on the birth of his new little girl. I hope he doesn’t forget to invite me to the bris.”

    The second has him looking thoughtful and says, “To show that I don’t have any hard feelings against TONY ISABELLA and how he says I’m not that smart…

    … I want to wish him Happy Hanukkah!”

    And the third has him looking worried with thought balloos that say, “That just ain’t fair. I’m gonna lose my Senate Majority Leader because of racist comments he made…

    …but Mark Evanier writes about the coons he keeps in his back yard…

    …and you don’t hear a peep out of the NAACP!”

    And that one includes a link to Mark’s site.


  3. I disagree with just about everything on that website, particularly the proposition that President Bush is stupid.

    But, that was funny.

    So, when is the bris? 🙂


  4. Well, don’t forget to mention the caption that says the site author declares today, “National Inside Joke” day.

    So, Mr. David, what’s the connection or almost between you and the Bushes?

    (for the inside joke)

  5. So, Mr. David, what’s the connection or almost between you and the Bushes (for the inside joke)?

    I think Peter would prefer that the Bushes be uprooted from American politics.

  6. I have to argee with les that the funniest bit was the Clinton calender. The best President? Heh.

    As for the difference between liberals and conservatives, P.J. O’Rourke, a noted conservative, wrote once that God is a Republican and Santa Clause is a Democrat. God can be difficult to understand, petty, and inflict harsh penalties on those who disobey his dictates. Santa Clause is a good-hearted, compasionate, caring, and benevolent entity devoted to the betterment of others. The only problem is that their is no Santa Clause. (Man, what a lousy thing to post so close to Christmas. I am such a heartless Republican).

    Ben Hunt

  7. Thanks for the link! I never knew about this site before, but it looks like a fun place to visit.

  8. >>Clearly many of you missed the joke. A bris is only done for a male baby<<

    D’Oh! I’m Jewish and that went right over my head! Guess I’m presidential material!

  9. No, I believe Tony isn’t Jewish. That was what was funny about that panel. Bush wishing Happy Hannukah to someone who wasn’t Jewish.

    Bush expressing interest in attending the bris of a baby girl

    and Bush complaining that “coon comments” on Evanier’s site weren’t attacked by the NAACP…when Evanier was referring to raccoons.

    And of course…the funniest thing perhaps…is the cartoonist mentioning the names of three prominent bloggers in cartoons…perhaps to draw in viewers?

    Of course…this is no new cartoonist. politicalstrikes.com has been around for several years. I was a regular reader back in 2000, but had lapsed recently.

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