Okay, well THAT series makes somewhat more sense now.

I still think the lack of any kind of score aside from those sleep-inducing guitar licks and the occasionally pokey editing didn’t help, but overall I liked the two hour pilot of Firefly quite a lot. As far as an intro to the characters goes, it certainly was far superior to the episode that Fox insisted on airing that helped cost the series so many viewers from the get-go. And it wasn’t remotely the snore-fest that reports from Fox execs made it out to be.

And of course, barring any unexpected developments, this is the last episode we’re going to see. Bottom line is, Fox blew this one. From running the show out of sequence to a non-existent ad campaign once the series was on (during FX reruns of “Buffy” they aired only promos for “John Doe.” If there’s *anyplace* to push a series to fans of “the creator of Buffy,” that’s the place), it’s obvious that there was no one internally at the network pushing or supporting the show. Unusual series always need someone on the inside to go to the mat for it, and clearly no one existed in that capacity for “Firefly.”