We’ve got an agreement for a deal to have a Russian edition of “Sir Apropos of Nothing” produced. It will be available in Germany as well, and a Spanish publisher is making inquiries.

Meantime, there remains absolutely zero interest in the title from publishers in England. Go figure.



As Peter’s mentioned, Caroline is named after the late, great Carol Kalish. Sadly, it occurs to me that many of you have no idea who she is. (Heck, it stunned me when I thought about how long it’s been– I missed the memorial service because I was leaving on my honeymoon.) Trust me, if you didn’t know her, you’re a poorer person for it.

So I’m going to run this BID out of sequence so you can get some sense of the wonderful woman Peter and Kathleen have named their daughter after.

And I’d like you all to do us a favor– link heavily to this column. Right now on Google, the first thing that pops up when you search on “Carol Kalish” is a screed by Gary Groth that is not the way she should be remembered, and I want that dámņ thing out of first place.

But I Digress...
Oct. 11, 1991


Kathleen’s dad has put up, on his website, an array of pictures of the baby and various family members. You can find them at A couple of the pictures don’t have the right resolution if you click on them to enlarge them, but that’s being worked on and will be straightened out before long.