Just out of curiosity, I went over earlier columns to see what policies about Marvel I might have gone to Joe about. It was kind of interesting, actually.

1) The dumping of the CCA. I publicly commended them.

2) Marvel’s Silent Month. While fans howled and dissed it, I was the first creator to publicly support it.

3) The announcement that Captain Marvel was in danger of cancellation. News to me, although it was discussed with fans (who suggested the price hike). Announced publicly, so I responded in kind. The result? The launching of two other books, one of which is doing pretty okay, and Captain Marvel has garnered a near 50% increase overall in sales. Joe said specifically that if I’m unhappy with something and can’t change it, I should leave. But I was unhappy with something and *did* get it changed, with Joe and Bill’s eventual enthusiastic help.

4) No reorder/No return policy. Said publicly I didn’t agree with it, but that was well over a year ago. More recently, have commented that it’s been working very well for Marvel. Began a retailer poll in direct response to Marvel brass attacking Heidi Macdonald, and in doing so, stated repeatedly that it was merely an attempt to see whose perception of retailer beliefs was more accurate.

5) Starting Direct response to his attack on me in “Marville,” depicting me as an unemployed alcoholic. A closed door discussion would have helped that…how?

I’m missing something somewhere.