Hopefully my postings are remaining coherent. I’ve been working insane hours lately, and have more or less stopped sleeping. This is actually having a fairly positive effect on me: It means I’m up and around to take care of the baby down in my office so Kath can get some sleep (she’s so alert that if the baby so much as whimpers or cries for ten seconds, she wakes right up. At which point the baby drifts back off to sleep, leaving Kath’s slumber constantly interrupted.)

It also means that while working on the next Apropos novel, “Tong Lashing,” my mind becomes so demented that I actually come up with lines like this:

“We made our way much further north than even my peregrinations as the Peacelord had taken me. As a consequence, we were able to enter with impunity a particularly sizable port city, Port Debras, renowned for having the largest single dock in the entire land, known as the Grand Jetty.”

Two points for figuring this out without cracking a dictionary.