Everytime I see that word, all I can hear is the exchange in “Mystery Men.” You know: “We’ve always been each other’s greatest nemesisi…nemesises…neme…” “Nemeses.”

So anyway, just came back from “ST:N.” Thing is, I keep hearing that folks went to see it with lots of expectations and came away disappointed. Consequently, I went into it with no expectations and lots of negative buzz in my ear, and came away pretty much satisfied by it. Yes, there were elements of “Wrath of Khan” in the second half. Then again, “WOK” was an open rehash of “Moby Ðìçk,” so I didn’t have much problem with that. And there was lots of stuff I did like, including Riker finally getting to kick some butt, the performances of Ron Perlman and Tom Hardy, and the way all the regulars fit into their Trek personas like comfortable shoes.

And I *thought* I spotted Wesley Crusher at screen left during the wedding toast.

Personally, the adventures of Riker and Troi on the Trident…I wouldn’t mind seeing that at all.