CAPTAIN MARVEL #5. Revelations are made. Decisions are made. Deadlines are made. I haven’t actually seen a copy of the book yet, but I know it’s out.



56 comments on “WHAD’JA THINK?

  1. Incredible issue. Y’know I thought maybe the one guy who could help Cap out might be Adam Warlock. He was touched in the head in the 70s and he’s got a big inside and outside the cosmos kinda perspective. I imagine it might be a tricky character to write though, since AW bears Starlin’s imprint so deeply. Still I’d love to see your take of a meeting.

    The issue itself was awesome and convinced me you could write a Doc Strange if you ever wanted. Did you invent Entropy and its history? If so, wow! Greaat addition to the MU cosmology! Very creepycool.


  2. Son of a dog, I just sussed something out.

    Entropy is operating through Captain Marvel’s awareness of the cosmos _outside_ himself.

    Epiphany is inspiring Rick Jones, bringing ideas and realizations _inside_ himself up to the surface.

    Why do I have a feeling that this contest is rigged? :^>

  3. Yeah, Entropy and Epiphany were mine. I even tried to come up with alternate names when I realized that the alliterative names, combined with Eternity, would prompt some folks to go, “Oh, just like the Endless?” But then I figured, aw, screw it. It’s the right names for them.


  4. I am really enjoying the “new” Captain Marvel! Which is a surprise, because I have never really been grabbed by any of your comics before, Peter…

    …Which in itself is surprising because I love your novels and subscribe to CBG mainly for your columns…

    So, odd as it may seem, this is the first book of yours I’ve stuck with for more than one or two issues. The marketing ploy/public feud worked – I don’t think I’d have given it a glance otherwise! I’m glad I jumped on board; I like the classic Captain Marvel as a character, so using that as a backstory for this version works well for me. Also the art is terrific!! The coloring is just jaw-dropping sometimes.

    Latest issue? Well to be honest, at the end of last issue I wasn’t sure if I liked where it was going, but I did like where it went in this one. I’m especially enjoying the “cliffhanger a month” thing. Each one has genuinely made me interested in seeing what’s next. Not to put down anyone in particular, but a lot of writers these days seem to be doing multi-multi-issue epics without any sense of pacing or suspense: “oh, here we are at the end of the book. Buy it again next month for more of the middle of the story”. That’s starting to annoy me. This approach is much better, at least in prying me away from my money.

    Anyway, thanks for the hard work! I’ll be buying the book for the foreseeable future (as long as you’re on it).

  5. PAD,

    Wrong thread I know but did I hear you’re writing the screenplay for the Codename Courage feature?

    I hope so. I loved your books updating the original golden age Commander Courage.

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