Well, I was fooled by recent episodes of both “Buffy” and “Angel.” Both did so with bad writing, but in one case, it was “bad” writing, and it was so “bad” it was good.

So Giles isn’t the First. Oookay. The problem is, I theorized he was the First because it was the best explanation for bad writing. Now it turns out he’s tangible. Which leaves us with no explanation as to why no one has touched him, or hugged him, or shaken his hand. No explanation as to why he didn’t try to haul Buffy out. What explanation do we have at present? Ha ha, got’cha, made you think he was the First. Problem is, it’s easy to fool people using bad writing. Is there some further twist? He’s not the First, but instead he’s…what? Giles, except he’s just been out of character for five weeks.

Once upon a time, BTVS would lead you to think one thing was going to happen, and then something else utterly unexpected does. In this case alert fans were led to believe Giles was the First, except actually he’s…not. If that’s where it’s left, then it was a pointless red herring for no reason other than to have a red herring. Which is pretty fishy.

Now “Angel,” on the other hand, continues to get it right. At the end of last week’s episode, I was furious to realize the previous 45 minutes had been mere hallucination. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized they’d played fair. Any number of times during the episode, I was amazed and annoyed how everything seemed to fall conveniently into place. I even thought at one point, “This is all too perfect” without once putting it together. Would I have accepted the notion that the Shaman could just have waved his hands and boom, Angel’s soul is gone? Sure. We all did in the 3rd season episode where Buffy and Angel hosed Faith. The fact that it was a hosing was beside the point. But the producers obviously want to stick to the Gypsy curse and maintain that *only* a moment of perfect happiness loses the soul. Okay, fair enough, especially since he’s never lost it any other way. And that being the case, the way they staged it was right on the money. What seemed to be bad writing as one convenient thing after another occurred, and each bit of character conflict was too tidily resolved, turned out to be a major “got’cha.” I admit it: I was had. Should’ve seen it coming; didn’t. Nicely done. Everything that “Buffy” does wrong, “Angel” does right.

If only the two series were produced by the same people…

By the way, this week’s episode–“Angelus of the Lambs”–absolutely rocked. When Cordy came downstairs, I was dying for Angelus to purr, “Hello, Clarice…”



  1. I have a theory, a crazy theory… why is it accepted that the only people who can fight the First Evil is the Scoopy gang and the PiT? Where is the First Good to conterbalance First Evil?

  2. The cool thing about last week’s episode is that all the character development – never happened. Son and Father are still at odds, relationships are unchanged, etc.

    I really enjoyed this week’s episode, except I accidentally deleted the show off my dish recorder before my best friend Pete saw it. He is going to kill me.

  3. See this how I felt last season with the whole Dawn stealing storyline…I was like…so she summoned Sweet ? She has DeHoffyrn’s amulet ? This has SOME reason ? And it was there just to throw you off…a red hearring for a red herring…I agree…lazy writing. Not a bad season though..compared to last I guess.

  4. Angel(us) just seems to get better and better. He makes a very compelling villain. Cordy’s proposal was a shocker for me when it happened, but it made sense. Boy, has that character come a long way since her Buffy days. Another character who has come a long was, development wise is Wesley. Who could have seen that coming during his first appearances?

    Anyone have an opinion on which character “dies” next week?

    As for Buffy, and I believe it was mentioned on another thread, but wasn’t the initiative supposedly filled in with concrete after the Army pulled out?

    As for Giles, the moment the gang rushed off to face him without the Slayer (or even lil’ witchy Willow), I knew Giles was not the First. I guess now he has some ‘plaining to do.


    Bobby Nash

    Writer @ Large

  5. I believe Drew Greenberg wrote that episode. He also wrote “Him” from earlier this season. Drew Greenberg is one of the enemies of mankind.

  6. PAD wrote:

    “But the producers obviously want to stick to the Gypsy curse and maintain that *only* a moment of perfect happiness loses the soul. Okay, fair enough, especially since he’s never lost it any other way.”

    Well, there was that first-season episode “Eternity” where a woman slipped Angel an “upper” drug which gave Angel an artificial feeling of happiness and brought back Angelus until the drug wore off. But Wesley and Cordy seem to have forgotten about that. 🙂


  7. So if it’s bad writing, why continue watching it? I have freed myself from Buffy and Angel, first involuntarily through my ex-neighbors upstairs making it impossible for me to watch TV, and now through discovering other shows I much prefer. This past Tuesday it was the 3-hour bio of Ben Franklin, and last night it was a particularly spiffy episode of West Wing.

  8. I just don’t see Giles’ behavior as much out of character at all. So far we have hugs not given and bags not carried for Stripesy, Kennedy, and the Manger Babies. The first is slightly odd but the second is easily explained by Giles being a Watcher, not a porter. He didn’t help Buffy out of the hole because she made it out on her own. He didn’t carry the notebook to the car this week because it gave him a chance to talk to Buffy alone.

    On the other hand, his non-non-touching behavior has done nothing to hinder Buffy and the gang’s fight against the First. We’ve seen him lean and sit on things since he came to Sunnydale. And if Giles were the First, why would the First have also infiltrated the gang as Eve?

  9. Hey, Mr. David,

    Why do you always complain that people accuse you of ripping off Joss Whedon (I don’t think you do, btw), and then go on and on about the latest episodes of Buffy/Angel?

    I came in late so I’m just curious.

  10. Not to pick nits, but at no time did they state that Giles had not touched, hugged, held hands with, or otherwise proven himself corporeal. All we saw in this episode is that none of the characters (Xander, Anya et al) could remember whether or not he had. It’s entirely possible that Giles had touched many things since his arrival, but had done so off-camera, and nobody thought to take notice of it.

  11. Ummm… Wasn’t it Giles who said the First couldn’t touch anything in the first place? Wouldn’t the First have a reason to deceive?

    And just because he can *be* touched, we still haven’t actaully seen *him* touch anything (except his glasses which he finally removed early in the episode). I’m not so sure he’s not still the First…

  12. PAD –

    I admit I was “had” by Angelus as well. I was like — son of a b… they finally did it, got them together, which usually marks the beginning of the end. I missed Buffy Tuesday but doesn’t sound like I missed a whole lot. Very disappointing…

    On a totally different note, I was glad when I saw you name attached to the Incredible Hulk novel adapting the movie. It will be good to read your Hulk again. I haven’t read an issue since your last one and I miss it. I have been threatening to re-read your previus Hulk novel but I decied to start New Frontier over while waiting on the new one. I am on Book 5…


  13. Elayne, you need to remember that Buffy has multiple writers, besides, EVERY show and or book has it’s good and bad writing, if you give up on something because on one bad instance, then all that’s left is to lay down and wait for death…

  14. Re: Giles – I wouldn’t say it was bad writing, if only because Giles got the best line in an episode full of great lines. But i would say that this once, the writers knew too much about the fans and messed with us on purpose. It’s nothing like the times on The Simpsons when the writers essentailly thumbed their noses at the disgrunteld alt.tv.simpsons fans, but it is a bit too knowing. Didn’t run a reasonable good episode, though. That task belonged to the ever-so-annoying Kennedy.

    But any TV show references Ghostbusters, LoEG, and Gaxaly Quest is worth watching.

    Re: Angel – Angelus is back, and all is right on the show. He is without a question the most fascinating Buffyverse villain, and worth bringing back every so often. And it was great to see how they worked Angel’s fantasy world into the actual story.

    As for who dies, it’s seems like it will be Lilah, and I expect to see Wesley go all Librarian-poop (in both the Discworld and Giles senses of the idea) on Angelus. Watchers and ex-Watchers do not take kindly to Angelus killing their lovers.

  15. Sherlock Holmes once said “It is a capital offence to theorize in advance of the facts.”

    I’ve been saying all along that there is a large jump between “Giles isn’t touching anything” (except when he leans against or sits on something) and “Giles is the First.” Now I have to say: Just because they were able to touch Giles doesn’t mean that all that setup was a pointless red herring. We don’t know yet how this will resolve. Let the situation develop before you raise a cry of “bad writing;” otherwise it sounds suspiciously like sour grapes.

  16. Re: First Good.

    >Where is the First Good to conterbalance First Evil?

    Actually, Denise, I’ve heard someone else ask that question. My answer to that is that this tv show is in the Horror genre. It is a world of darkness and evil and really bad things. If there was a god-like First Good then the world wouldn’t be horrific. The Slayer was created to fight the evil forces. She’s our First Good.

  17. >>I really enjoyed this week’s episode, except I accidentally deleted the show off my dish recorder before my best friend Pete saw it. He is going to kill me.<<

    In the interests of preventing a homicide, check out http://www.turok.info and download a neat bit of programming called bit-torrent, which will allow you to download mpg’s of current/recent tv programs…this is only recommended if you have high-speed internet and a large hard-drive, however

  18. Could this be the last season for Joss Whedon television shows?

    I’m still terribly disappointed that Fox screwed up Firefly and then cancelled it without really giving it a good chance (but given Fox’s history, I’m not surprised). It is a shame that a quality show like Firefly can’t get syndicated when crap like Andromeda, Earth: Final Conflict and Action Inc. seem to go on forever (probably because Firefly costs more per episode than the other crap-o-rama shows in syndication).

    It is most probable that this will be Buffy’s last season, as SMG likely would rather pursue a film career, and I’ve read reports that the new overseers of UPN would not have taken Buffy in the first place because it wasn’t a ratings hit. I believe the WB’s commitment to Angel is up this year. I’m not sure how well it is doing in the ratings, but I think the WB kept Angel just to get back at Joss for moving Buffy. If the WB axes Angel and UPN refuses to pick it up, then there would be no more Joss on TV. So we should enjoy it while it lasts because next season may be Joss-free.

  19. I wanted to second Saul’s comment about Giles being the one who told the Scoobies that The First cannot take corporeal form. That thought has been bothering me since this whole discussion of Giles possibly being The First came up. If we are assuming Giles is The First, then why would he inform his enemies of a true weakness.

    And I believe someone also pointed out some time ago that The First appears to touch Angel several times in that third season episode in which it first appeared.

    My big question though is who made that phone call to Buffy’s house telling Xander about the incident with Robson. Why would the minion of The First leave Robson alive, if he had been successful in his attempt to chop Giles’ head off? If Giles did manage to kill the minion, then why did he not stay to make sure that Robson was okay?

    I’m not convinced that this herring is, in fact, ruddish at this point.

    I also wanted to point out that the phone call also managed to get everyone out of the house. Perhaps someone or something has infiltrated the Summers home.

    As to last week’s Angel, I don’t think I was completely flim-flammed by the clever writing. The first tip-off was just how closely the path to the magic sword aped the trials in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

    I became even more suspicious when Wesley apologized. The clincher, though, was Connor coming to the rescue near the end. I just started muttering to myself: This isn’t oveerrrrr……”

    At that point, everything that Angel ever wanted had come true. And you know what they say about things that seem too good to be true.

    And another, more Earth-Prime clue, if you will, was the fact that we had made it through the entire episode without seeing the scene in which Angelus turns his head to look at the gang and Cordy says “Angelus.” I know that some movies shoot footage for their trailers that aren’t intended to be in the film, but I was pretty sure that wasn’t the case here.

    This week’s follow-up episode was all I had hoped for, even with the obvious twist that the sould would be missing from the safe at the end.

  20. Re: Buffy

    While this was a bad episode for many reasons, I’ll stick to the whole Giles as the First thing. It was a goofy red herring. I knew Giles wasn’t the First as soon as everything pointed to his being the first.

    As far as people not remembering his touching anything, I consider that the Iron Syndrome. I’ll be at the gym and suddenly think, “Did I unplug the iron?” I can’t remember if I did or I didn’t. It’s not like I have a bad memory. It’s just that when you really need to remember something important, it spazzes on you.

  21. The only disappointment I had about this week’s Angel was that I felt there were some really cold nasty comments Angelus could have made about, say, Xander cheating on Cordelia or Wes’ old crush on Cordelia. I know they refer to Angel/Angelus stuff from Buffy when they have to but maybe there’s a limit to what continuity they can use? Could just be an effort to keep the show accessible to new viewers.

    Might have also been interesting to see a confrontation between Lorne and Angelus. Could have been a chance to address Lorne’s sexuality if he has one that we would even recognize. I could also seeing Angelus letting him have it for his less-than macho qualities. That’s a tough row to hoe when you’re human I would imagine it would be even worse if you’re a member of the demon community. And *that* might have been a good chance to show that Lorne is more together, balanced, steely and confident than he sometimes appears… if he is those things of course…

    Which brings me to my last
    COMMENT: Who dies next week? Well isn’t there one regular, one member of Angel’s crew who doesn’t have his name in the opening credits…?

  22. Pack wrote:


    If you’re so free of Buffy and Angel why post on a thread for fans of the show?”

    Every time PAD posted a message about Firefly, Elayne harped on and on about how she doesn’t care a bit about the show. Then why does she keep posting to tell us that? You don’t like Joss shows. We get it. Move on.


  23. Which brings me to my last
    COMMENT: Who dies next week? Well isn’t there one regular, one member of Angel’s crew who doesn’t have his name in the opening credits…?

    I had heard that “Lorne” was getting his name is the credits. So, either this is a “Tara” thing, or he’s replacing someone else.


  24. Figured I’d hop in on this after much lurking — morning, all. (Hey, it IS still morning on the West Coast…)

    Buffy first — I’ve liked a lot of this season, but was checking my watch way too often this week. I’m all for character-building moments, but if it’s going to be tied into dialogue like the Willow/Kennedy bar scene I’ll give it a pass, thanks.

    And I, for one, am very much hoping that this isn’t the end of the “is Giles alive?” question. If all the buildup was supposed to lead to this, then I’m going to be awfully skeptical of any explanation for Giles’ odd behavior since he got back. Wonderful though the “so you think I’m evil if I take girls on a camping trip and I DON’T touch them?” line was, it’s not wonderful enough to justify a herring this red.

    Now if it turns out that Giles “the First can’t take corporeal form” claim was in and of itself a dodge, that could be fun. I’m always fond of feints within feints if they’re pulled off well — so I’ll keep hoping.

    And “Angel” … brr. Last week suckered me very nicely, thank you, and this week kept the momentum going. A few things were obvious (hands up, anyone who expected the soul-in-a-jar wouldn’t go missing, for instance), but I’m buying into the arc for now.


  25. Argh. So many comments to respond to, so little time.

    Giles may not be the First, but he still hasn’t explained how he escaped from the Bringer’s axe that was only inches from his neck. Maybe Giles just rolled away at the last second, but it’s also possible that his head was removed and re-attached with new…stuff inside.

    Incidentally, Dawn’s shoplifting of the necklace wasn’t a red herring. It tied into the long-term story arc in which Dawn was stealing to act out her frustration because Buffy wasn’t doing a very good job as a single mother and because both of them hadn’t really recovered from their mother’s death. The shoplifting wasn’t just a minor plot element, it was used to set up the characterization which is the basis for the series.

    In terms of who’s about to die on Angel: The most obvious choices are Lorne, Gunn, and Fred. The other characters are more popular and/or more pivotal. Lorne is likely, because Andy Hallett isn’t a series regular, but Gunn is an African-American on a Joss Whedon series, which doesn’t bode well for his lifespan.

    However…when Cordelia went through her ascension last season, Charisma Carpenter was rumored to be renegotiating her contract. Maybe the negotiations didn’t go so well.

    And then there’s Connor. We were told that the “father will kill the son” prophecy was a fraud, but…

    1. The talking hamburger told Wesley that the father would kill the son. Even if the scroll was a fake, the hamburger may have foreseen a different version of the same basic scenario.

    (And anyone who missed that episode is now staring at the screen saying, “Talking hamburger?”)

    2. When Gunn told Wesley that the scroll was a forgery, Wesley said, “You don’t know anything.”

    Speaking of deaths, I really hope Angel Enterprises has surrounded the shaman with expert bodyguards.


  26. I too am concerned about Lorne’s life expectancy, what with his not being a regular. Which would upset me, because I’ve met Andy at conventions and he’s a sweet guy.

    I think if they keep Fred, they should make it a contractual obligation that she start eating something. It’s worrying me: She’s making Callista Flockhart look like John Goodman.


  27. Lorne won’t die; he mentioned in a recent interview that he’s going to be a regular for the rest of the season. I.e., added to the credits and everything.

    I’ve heard who is going to die, but I’ll cease and desist for the spoiler-phobic.

  28. Due to the posts here, I actually watched the “next week on” (I ususally don’t do that ’cause I like all the surprises to be surprises). So now I want to add my thought to the “who dies?” portion of this thread.

    Not only did the preview say someone dies, but it also said there’s an ending not to be missed. With all these vamps roaming around LA, and the possibility of Angelus getting out of the cage, maybe someone like Gunn dies — and then comes back as a vamp. Same cast, new threat, and a resolution to the Gunn/Fred/Wesley triangle…

  29. I heard that it was Lilah who bites it, and that wouldn’t surprise me at all.

    And I just loved Giles’ line about being evil for not touching. Hysterical.

  30. (hands up, anyone who expected the soul-in-a-jar wouldn’t go missing, for instance),

    Saw that one coming a mile away.


    Bobby Nash

    Writer @ Large

  31. The “ending not to be missed” is Faith — IIRC, her three-episode arc starts next week, Continues Feb. 19 and ends with the March 5 episode. It’s the only reason Angelus chose to mention Faith when taunting Wesley — otherwise she wouldn’t have come up.

  32. Um, people? There’s a difference between speculation and a spoiler you’ve heard about elsewhere. Before posting definitive bits about who dies and what next week’s ending is, if you have any reason to think you *know* it, as opposed to speculation, put in a spoiler warning.

    On the who dies, my speculation would be, if it’s a regular:

    Lorne: Against; Andy Hallett’s said he’s being added to the opening credits. Pro: Amber Benson. 🙂

    Gunn: Pro: Frankly, they’ve never quite figured out what to do with his character. This season, all Gunn centric scenes I recall have to do with his relationship with Fred, which indicates they still haven’t figured it out. And with Angel, Connor, and the pumped up and interestingly armed Wesley, Gunn’s now the *fourth* option for muscle/physical attack. Against: Only non-white/green regular in the Buffyverse (I don’t count Principal Wood as a regular). Also, they haven’t quite blown up the relationship as much as is usual for Mutant Enemy love stories :-).

    Fred: Pro: She and Wes overlap a lot (due to the “if you’re an expert in one academic area, you’re an expert in all of ’em” bit. Suddenly Wes is up on superstring theory and theoretical physics and Fred is translating stuff like no one’s business). Killing her could increase the Wes/Gunn tension, although that’s already at the breaking point.

    Against: One of only two women on show full of strong male characters, and as mentioned still could have a lot of romantic angst.

    Wesley: Not a chance. Too critical to the show’s structure. Like Doyle, they’d have to replace him with someone who can fill the knowledge role quickly.

    Cordy: If you go by the “That’s not really Cordy” theory, strong odds. Or if you go by the “OK, *something* was up last season when Charisma Carpenter just disappears for four weeks” theory plus the pregnancy causing problems theory. Again, in either case you need a replacement for her role in the show (said replacement possibly being the actual Cordy).

  33. Well, killing off Cordy would put Fred in the forefront, wouldn’t it? Perhaps they could change her role to cover the Cordy slot as well. Could make her into an interesting character (finally!).

    I whole-heartedly concur with the “eat something, girl!” comment regarding Fred. She is super-freaky-thin, even compared to super-freaky-thin Flockhart. But then, consider the drastic weightloss of SMG over the seasons. Her double has recently gone public saying that she can’t get thin enough to match Sarah and still perform her stunts.

  34. Ooo, Lilah. Yeah, I hadn’t thought of her. They could kill her off because she’s effectively disposable at this point. Which is kind of cheap, I suppose. But knocking her off wouldn’t upset the group dynamic.

    Unless, of course, Angelus is the one who kills her. Wes wouldn’t be too jazzed about that.


  35. I doubt this is going to happen but it might be cool if Angelus was the one who dies. Think about it. If he escapes and starts killing people, the rest of the gang would have no choice but to try and kill him. They don’t have a soul to put back after all. And Conner wouldn’t hold back. I can just see him trying but failing only to have Faith show up and save him by succeeding where he failed. And how would the rest of the gang feel about having to work with the person who slayed their boss? Then they could find a way to bring him back in 2 or 3 weeks. They brought him back before after all.

    Also, Am I the only one who thought last week that Angel was just faking. That the beast and the shaman was working together. I figured the Shaman took the soul, sent a quick vision or message to Angelus to play along, then let himself be killed for the cause. But then the only reason I thought that was I KNEW Angulus was coming back.

    Another quick thought. If Buffy gets canceled and Angel doesn’t (which Joss might already know by now) he may be willing to kill off some major Angel players to make room for some Buffy faves. If not next week, maybe towards the end of the season.

  36. Not sure who from Buffy would really want to cross-over, though. Emma Caufield has already said she won’t be coming back if there’s another season. Nick Brendon told an interviewer he had no interest in joining the Angel cast. ASH wants to spend more time in England, so I can’t really see him becoming a regular on a different American show. Alyson Hannigan has a decent movie career going, so I don’t see her as making the switch, although she has mentioned working with Alexi again would be fun. (However, I see that more as a guest-starring thing, rather than wanting a full-time gig with him.) The only regulars that leaves are Michelle Trantenburg (sp?) and James Marsters. I don’t really see Dawn moving to LA to work with her big sister’s Ex, especially since she has absolutely nothing to bring to the MoG and while seeing a meeting between a souled Spike and Angel would make for an interesting episode, Angel already has the “Vampire with a soul fighting the forces of darkness” shtick going, having two of them on the same show kind of takes away from that.

  37. Kalshane: “[W]hile seeing a meeting between a souled Spike and Angel would make for an interesting episode, Angel already has the “Vampire with a soul fighting the forces of darkness” shtick going, having two of them on the same show kind of takes away from that.”

    You’re absolutely right; having a regular/recurring character who is just a “been there, done that” variant on the main character is a relatively innane plot point, and Mutant Enemy would never do such a — Oops! Sorry, tripped over a Potential Slayer. What was I saying? What’s that, Faith? Oh yeah, thanks. Mutant Enemy would never do such a contrived thing…

  38. Um, people? There’s a difference between speculation and a spoiler you’ve heard about elsewhere. Before posting definitive bits about who dies and what next week’s ending is, if you have any reason to think you *know* it, as opposed to speculation, put in a spoiler warning.

    The header said SPOILERS. That wasn’t enough?

  39. Well, keep in mind that Faith and the Potentials aren’t series regulars. I interpreted Brak’s comment to be about additions to the cast of Angel, not guest appearances.

  40. Fazhoul- The header said Spoilers because Peter had spoilers for anyone who hadn’t seen the most recent episodes of Buffy or Angel in his post, not because people had free-reign to post them. There were no true spoilers in the sense of “This what is going to happen later in the Season.” Generally policy around here, from what I can tell, is to put spoiler warnings for anything that hasn’t already happened on the show.


    Ok if you’re still reading then you’re as impatient as I am. The kind of person who flips to the last page of the comic to see the end, before reading the issue. I’ve seen shooting scripts, well copies of them anyways, so I know a bit of what’s coming. Keep in mind these are shooting scripts, and some details may be changed in the final eps, but all in all this is what to expect.


    The person who dies…Lilah. Angelus gets loose, and drains her. To make it worse, when Wes finds her, they’re not sure if she’s going to vamp out, so he has to decapitate her body.

    Even worse, the beast is not the big bad. Nor is Angelus. Nope the beast has a master. The same master that took the soul in the jar, the same master who hasn’t been quite acting like themselves. It’s Cordy. Not only that, but she’s pregnant with Connor’s child. Which she uses to turn Connor on Angel when he gets his soul back in four eps or so.

    Which begs the question, is this even Cordy? She was supposed to be in an unreachable dimension, but she just pops up? She couldn’t even remember who she was until they cast a spell on her. Who’s to say she isn’t still in a higher dimension and the gangs been infiltrated by…something?

    Faith does show up in the next few eps, she does a three issue stint then Willow!(yeah!), comes to LA to gather her up and drag her to Sunnydale.

    That is all I know for now. I have some Buffy info too..if anyone is interested just reply and I’ll post it.

    As a warning to all the others who don’t want to know about these spoilers, if you post about this post contain a warning in your post about spoilers!

    Boy that was a tongue twister!

  42. This is a question as much as a comment. Keeping true with the gypsy curse is one thing, but now that the soul has been extracted, does it have to be re-inserted the same way? We know Willow was still in her witchcracft infancy and only had the old gypsy curse to go by. But the Shaman is (per Wesley) an expert on extracting and replacing souls. Why can’t he replace the soul without the nastly little “happiness” clause. Sure this would remove some of the tragedy of teh Angel character, be he can still be interesting without it. Who knows, if Angel knew he could go back to Buffy without fear of losing his soul, wouldn’t that be potentially intersting, too. Imagine the conflict between COrdeilia and Buffy ehn (and yes I know that a crossover would be highly unlikely).

  43. Just a few last thoughts on BUFFY.

    Was I the only one that thought that Amy’s motive was just incorrect? “Willow’s so powerful so I’m jealous,” seems ridiculous next to “Willow let me rot as a rat for nearly five years and the only reason she deratted me was as an afterthought because she wanted a playmate after her lover left her.”

    I’ve always thought Amy would make for a good villian. Now if they could only get her rationale right . . .

  44. Simon: “As for who dies, it’s seems like it will be Lilah, and I expect to see Wesley go all Librarian-poop (in both the Discworld and Giles senses of the idea) on Angelus. Watchers and ex-Watchers do not take kindly to Angelus killing their lovers.”

    Didn’t ‘Wesley’s lover’ slit his throat and leave him for dead last season…? I must be mixing up two people. If not, then he seems the forgiving sort.

  45. Here’s my problem with last week’s Angel.

    There’s this standard rule in writing called “Show, don’t tell.”

    And all I got for the whole dámņ episode was “Angelus is ruthless, angelus is wiley, angelus is crafty.” Over and over again. Westley… shuddup.

    Show us that he’s evil. Stop telling us about it.


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