While I was out in LA, Bill Mumy showed me a director’s cut of “It’s Still A Good Life,” scheduled to air February 19 on “The Twilight Zone.” Despite the fact that it was a preliminary edit, the music was a temp track, and the FX weren’t done, it was still incredible viewing. They have an opening shot of Bill from the original episode, poised on a fence, and then they dissolve to modern day and it’s his daughter, Liliana, in approximately the same position and, of course, with the same face. And it just gets better from there. It’s truly can’t-miss viewing.


15 comments on “GOOD LIFE IS GREAT LIFE

  1. Wow- can’t wait. I only just saw the original episode last week, in preparation for this new one, and found it truly excellent. Such a great concept, and so very well done. It’ll be nice to see BM onscreen again as well. As much as I loved his role on B5 (never seen LiS, actually), I tend to picture him most often with shiny makeup, sitting next to Mark Hamill on “A Day in the Life”- my favorite episode of Space Cases. 🙂

  2. The new TW show is totle compete bunk. Without Rod Serling, there is no Twilight Zone, when will you so-called fans accept that?

  3. This is in reference to the new TW being bunk without rod serling.

    well what would you have them do ressurect him?

    and if you think that statement is as stupid as I do then rethink your statement.

    I say this as someone who is a fan of the old TW (the outer limits was pretty good too).

    I don’t watch the new one much mainly cause I don’t watch much tv beyond buffy and angel.

    What I am trying to say is that not all remakes of things are bad and some things can and should be continued after the creators deaths not stopped because of them.

    and no I’m not saying all remakes are neccesarily good but…..

    I’m willing to see the episode before I condemn it is all.

  4. I’m a fan of the old Twilight Zone episodes. I’m also willing to give the new series a try (I haven’t watched it yet!). I’ll start with the BM episode on the 19th and then come back to this website for some feedback.

    “Rod Serling Fan” – who posted above – needs to be a little more open-minded to change IMHO.

    BTW, my favourite “classic” episode is the one with the alien cookbook titled “How to Serve Man”.

    PAD! I read your earlier entries on the State of the Union address, etc. and I don’t think you should stop giving your honest opinion. Everyone has an opinion, and you have a right to express it!

  5. P.S.


    (who posted above)

    I read in WIZARD magazine that the Captain America movie was terrible.

    The video store down the street will rent it to me. Should I save my money or hold my nose and take the plunge?

  6. What I’ve seen of the current Twilight Zone has not impressed me at all. But the first reincarnation of the show that CBS did (I think it might have been almost 10 years ago) was quite good and I was disappointed at it’s cancellation.

  7. Tom,

    “Captain America” isn’t too bad. It’s not nearly the quality of recent comic book movies, but it’s not as bad as the unreleased “Fantastic Four” movie. The fight scenes might make you nauseous (really fast cuts so you can barely tell what’s going on) and the script’s a little hokey, but it’s otherwise enjoyable. I’d say give it a shot.

    If you do rent it, let me know what you think.

  8. It sounds like this will be the first actual GOOD episode of the new TZ. Some of the episodes I’ve seen have been acceptable, but none have been what I would consider outstanding television deserving of the TWILIGHT ZONE name. I gave up on the new TZ when BIRDS OF PREY started, and have stayed away since ANGEL took BOP’s slot.

    Hopefully, ANGEL will be a rerun the night this one airs; otherwise, I’ll fire up the VCR.



  9. I think what made the original “Twilight Zone” so incredible were the contributions of the “holy trinity” of Serling, Matheson, and Beaumont. Serling’s voice was undeniable, but Matheson gave us the great sci-fi touches, and Beaumont provided the sense of tragedy.

    The current series, while better than the one from the ’80s, hasn’t yet moved past being a sort of parody of the series, right down to the obligatory “gotcha!” endings. Something appears to be missing.

    That being said, I’m giddy over the upcoming Mumy episode and believe that the current series — unlike most of what’s on UPN — has potential.

  10. The kid from “It’s a Good Life” has a daughter?!? Can you imagine what this omnipotent, emotionally retarded tyrant’s sexual awakening must have been like? With his powers and no one to say him nay?

    I’m not bringing this up as some kind of sick joke, but as a valid and horrific aspect of the story. Tho’ I don’t think TV (not even UPN) will tackle this…

  11. I’m flattered that you guys have been discussing the upcoming Twilight Zone sequel and I’ll be returning to see what you thought of it, positive and negative. I Just wanted to say thanks and let you all know that I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t think Rod Serling would have given it a thumbs up. Working with my daughter Liliana was a real treat, she’s a gifted young actor, and working with Cloris Leachman again was simply wonderful. She’s a national treasure and a great lady. We all enjoyed the experience very much. I haven’t seen anything but the director’s first rough cut, so I’ll be watching it when everyone else is and I’ll be more nervous than anyone else I’m sure! Whatever… Thanks to PAD for the positive words and the support as always…


    The Landlord of the Cornfield.

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