Well, I seem to be all over the place in the current “Wizard” magazine (which makes sense, since I’m kind of all over the place in real life as well.) In addition to being back on the top 10 writer’s list, they have a brief focus on the history of “Captain Marvel,” a sidebar piece with me discussing “U-Decide”, an inclusion of “Supergirl #75” in their top ten hot comics (#76 should be even hotter, I think, considering retailers stunningly dropped their orders by about 1800 copies from #75 to #76 while interest and demand went up) and even–of all things–a mention in their “Comics by the numbers” section in which they cite “194” as my bowling average at last year’s Pro-Am. The average is correct enough for my three game set, but a correction: They also said it was televised on ESPN. No. The Pro-Am was part of a series of functions at the lanes in Syosset, LI, which culminated in the Sunday ESPN-broadcast of a pro tournament that I did attend. But only as an audience member. A Pro bowler I most definitely am not.