Well, I seem to be all over the place in the current “Wizard” magazine (which makes sense, since I’m kind of all over the place in real life as well.) In addition to being back on the top 10 writer’s list, they have a brief focus on the history of “Captain Marvel,” a sidebar piece with me discussing “U-Decide”, an inclusion of “Supergirl #75” in their top ten hot comics (#76 should be even hotter, I think, considering retailers stunningly dropped their orders by about 1800 copies from #75 to #76 while interest and demand went up) and even–of all things–a mention in their “Comics by the numbers” section in which they cite “194” as my bowling average at last year’s Pro-Am. The average is correct enough for my three game set, but a correction: They also said it was televised on ESPN. No. The Pro-Am was part of a series of functions at the lanes in Syosset, LI, which culminated in the Sunday ESPN-broadcast of a pro tournament that I did attend. But only as an audience member. A Pro bowler I most definitely am not.


15 comments on “A WIZ THERE WAS

  1. >A Pro bowler I most definitely am not.

    You mean that wasn’t you on the AFC team in Honolulu last week?

    Oh, you mean bowler as in pins and a heavy round ball.

    Never mind.

  2. Sadly, due to moving and switching comic shops, I’m still missing Supergirl 76, and can’t find it anywhere. 🙁

  3. Robb P. said: “Sadly, due to moving and switching comic shops, I’m still missing Supergirl 76, and can’t find it anywhere.”

    I have an extra copy. Send a private e-mail to me at ket-sg@ameritech.net and let’s talk. 🙂


  4. Oh, sure your a Pro Bowler: You’ve bowled over Marville and Ultimate Adventures in the U-Decide Contest!

    Are they gonna announce a winner, or are they trickling it out, hoping no one will notice that you won?

    Are further Cap Marvel issues being written. I really look forward to see the Thor appearences soon. Are they being drawn up? Cuz I still see Marville being sollicited past issue #7 as well. What’s up? Or has Marvel said you couldn’t?

  5. Would you approach DC with this publicity and query them regarding a Supergirl relaunch? Or are things just not done that way? I and many others it seems would like to keep reading Linda’s story (if she survives)

  6. Retailers definitely misjudged the demand for Supergirl. I’m not sure if many of us just don’t listen to the fans or if there is poor communication between retailers and fans, but I know at our store no one expressed any interest in it prior to it coming out. We had zero increase in pre-orders and no one even mentioned that they had an interest. Even so, we doubled our orders and still we sold out quickly.

    I think its a shame that DC Comics didn’t wait for issue #75 to actually hit the stands before they canceled it. I’m not sure it would have made any difference how much we ordered though because DC had a new Supergirl character ready to debut in Superman The 10 Cent Adventure. You would think that since Supergirl’s sales have skyrocketed in a market where sales almost always go down, DC would reconsider its cancellation, but obviously they have plans for the new Supergirl.

    Supergirl’s cancellation is an injustice to be sure and there is plenty of blame to go around it seems.

  7. >>Are they gonna announce a winner, or are they trickling it out, hoping no one will notice that you won?

    Interesting question. I don’t think any of the Powers That Be actually are willing to believe that PAD won, despite the numbers.

    Consider the following, from Rich Johnston’s interview with Bill Jemas (available at ):

    >>RICHARD: … Talking of books getting published, the first six issues of Marville has been solicited as a trade paperback. Both a critical and a sales failure, it’s arguably (so far) done more to damage your reputation as a writer. Although I quite liked issue 4, it looks like hardly anyone else read it. The demand in the direct market for this trade paperback is currently not there. And the argument for it being a bookstore title also seems thin, many of the gags have been insular, being more of an exercise in satire than storytelling it seems. So, why the TPB, aside from an abuse of power?

    >>BILL: The abuse I have to suffer from on-line columnists for the sake of my art…

    It’s an interesting interview — gives me more reason to dislike Mr. Jemas, as if I needed any.

  8. Hello again Mr.David. I’m the bowler who came up to you, your wife, and the baby yesterday at the tournament you were at and told you about Wizard putting your bowling scores in. I would have liked to talk to you a little more, but I was competing. I also forgot to say congratulations to you and your wife on the new baby…sorry. Anyway it was awesome to meet you all, and I just wanted to say thanks for years of good stories. (and by the way, I’m LOVING Captain Marvel)

  9. >>BILL: The abuse I have to suffer from on-line columnists for the sake of my art…

    His art? His Art? HIS ART?

    I invoke Sturgeon’s Law.

    ’nuff said.

  10. Hey, Jay Marine. Were you the one who shot a 243 in the game I was watching? If so, considering the oil, that was phenomenal. Did you make the cut?


  11. Coming soon – the all Peter David issue of Wizard. Seriously though, it’s nice when pros and fans say something nice about us for a change. (We’re like the animal sidekick of Disney villains. Always showing affection but getting yelled at.) Sorry about getting the bowling info wrong. I guess that’s why our Sport Look mag didn’t last. As for Supergirl, you read this price guide editor’s mind Peter. #76 will indeed make the Hot 10 in Wizard #141, but where will it place? WHERE?!

  12. Peter…did I make the cut? hahaha..here’s a “funny” story (not for me though). In my third game (of 6), my thumb slug came out of my ball, forcing me to switch balls..to one I did’nt want to use. Longstoryshort- I bowled a 154 that game. Bowled 215-256 after that, but that 150 put me in to big a hole. Lanes were tough!! Oh well, next year. How have you been hitting them?

  13. Somthing that..well couldn’t have hurt…on the new Supergirl take was the cover…You bring in Ed Benes, for better or worse, who has a definte style…and you have Rob Haynes(!?) do covers that don’t even begin to match the interior…it’s not like the guy is Bolland!

  14. 1) “Marville” is continuing past issue #6?!

    2) AND it’s being collected into a TPB!?

    3) Worst of all … Bill Jemas considers this ART?!

    My friends, the end of the medium is near … !

    *From the Simpsons, “Treehouse of Horror V”: “No TV and no beer makie Homer … something something.”*

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