Behind the Scenes at…

Lest you think being the webmaster here is a glamourous life of movie premieres, dalliances with scantilly clad fans, and deciding what nasty rumors to start on the Internet today, let me relate the conversation I had on my arrival home with my wife Brandy:

G: Happy Valentine’s Day, snoogy-woogy.

B: Same to you, bozo. Oh, Kathleen called.

G: Really? What’s up?

B: She’s asking for two favors.

G: Uh-oh. Yes?

B: She wants you to post a note to the website that she and Peter will be at Farpoint this weekend, and anyone who wants to say “hi” should come on down and do so.

G: You mean Farpoint Convention, this weekend at Marriott’s Hunt Valley Inn, 245 Shawan Road, Hunt Valley, MD with Special Guests Armin Shimerman,Gary Graham, Eric Pierpoint, Michele Scarabelli, Gil Gerard, Erin Gray, the Boogie Knights, Lolita Fatjo, Michael Jan Friedman, David R. George III, Bob Greenberger, Inge Heyer, Marc Okrand, Prometheus Radio Theatre, Susan Sackett, Howard Weinstein, and The Not Ready for Paramount Players, with more information available by calling (410) 785-7000?

B: If you say so. How do you get your voice to do that thing with the link?

G: What, when I say Farpoint Convention?

B: Yeah.

G: It’s easy. Try it yourself.

B: Farpoint Convention. Hey, that’s neat!

G: Did Kathleen want me to say anything in particular?

B: She said to write something witty.

G: Fat chance of that happening. Let me guess, the other favor was to make sure that I posted lots of old But I Digress columns while Peter’s offline?

B: No.

G: No? Then what?

B: They want us to tape Farscape and The Simpsons for them, they forgot to set the VCR before they left.

There. Now you know everything. Oh, and about those scantilly clad fans… for Kolk’r’s sake, Tom, put on a bathrobe, will you?

8 comments on “Behind the Scenes at…

  1. Hey, you don’t know which Tom I’m referring to… I’ll wait till you go through the roster and supress your shuddering before I go on… I could have added, “and wipe that chocolate sauce off before the bugs arrive.”

  2. Actually, the quite scary thing is that I am reading this just after waking up and am doing so dressed only in my underwear…(left the machine on all night to do a particilarly lengthy download).

    No, I’m not making this up

  3. And for those of you scouring your eyes/skull insides with acid after that last comment, a simple trick to get the image out of your head; recall the photo of Peter in Faces of Fantasy. 🙂

  4. The dog is sick. Its been raining here for the last 15 hours or so…its been just generally a bad weekend, and its only half over.

    Now I have to wonder whether to thank you all for the grins or to go wash my brain out with bleach.


  5. I did manage to say hello to Peter on Saturday at Farpoint. I am safely home on Sunday. He may be snowed in at the convention. We’ve received at least 9 inches of snow so far since last night and are expecting another foot or so. BWI is not flying any planes until probably sometime after the snow stops.

    I went to Peter’s panel on Saturday which was very interesting including reading from Tong Lashing, reading some of Supergirl #79, news about Fallen Angel, Howling Mad, his feeding Caroline and more.


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