More Housekeeping…

While trying to block some folks from posting garbage, I appear to have blocked a number of AOL subscribers from posting– including Peter, even.

We hope that the problem has been addressed, and we apologize for those folks who were blocked in the meantime.

You can let go of my throat now, Peter…


Had a good time at I-Con this weekend, despite the miserable weather that swept up on Saturday evening and remained all through Sunday. Did a bunch of panels, signed a few autographs.

It’s the first I-Con in a while that the entire family was there for, although there were almost no times when we were all together at the same moment. The major problem, as pointed out earlier, was they scheduled me for two solid hours opposite Harlan’s major talks on Saturday night. Bob Greenberger, however, made both of those panels go away, so that was nice.



I will indeed be attending I-Con this weekend at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. It’s pretty amazing: I’ve been attending the convention since it occupied exactly one small building and had a dealer’s room about the size of my living room. Now the dealer’s room occupies the entirety of a sporting arena and the convention itself is sprawled over four buildings all over campus (which makes going from one panel to the next very exciting.)

The ever-reliable Glenn listed a link below, although if he wants to repeat it RIGHT HERE, he can go ahead and do so. I’m not sure what my schedule is, although I know I do have an autographing Saturday from 11:30 to 1. Also, they’d originally put me on a panel Sunday at 2 PM that was supposed to be about how New wave 1960s SF continued to resonate today. When I discovered the panel also had Harlan Ellison, Barry Malzberg and David Kyle on it among others, I dropped out. My feeling was that I had zero to contribute to the panel that guys like that couldn’t cover and then some. I’d rather be in the audience.

I will not be attending today, Friday.



First, Peter will be appearing this weekend at I-CON at SUNY/Stony Brook. He’ll be there with Harlan. Everybody duck. (I’ll be there too, if anybody cares.)

Second, we’ve had to take steps and cut a few loudmouths from the comments sections, including the Brian Michael Bendis impersonator and the guy who thought he could insult Peter by calling him a cigarette. Go figure.

Behave, kids. We know the tensions are running high with the fun in the desert sun, but a bit of calm does us all good.

Setting Limits

Understand, as I’ve noted repeatedly, I’m a free speech advocate.


Disruption of this board purely for the sake of disruption and making other’s lives difficult won’t be tolerated.


Categories: 1


People have been writing to me with some degree of alarm after the brand new Diamond “Actual Sales” chart was posted on Newsarama. Why? Because “Captain Marvel #6” was ranked as #259, which would indicate the most staggering sales plummet in comics history. As if retailers had suddenly decided to slash their orders to “Archie Comics” levels.

So I sent an alarmed e-mail to editor Andy Schmidt, who replied (his e-mail is printed here with permission):

“Okay, what that chart is is the “actual sales” chart for February. The

reason Marv is ranked so low is because 6 was late and didn’t come out until

March. It was ordered at 32,000 and will show up on next months “actual

sales” chart. So, it’s a meaningless number. How’s that?”

That’s fine by me. Hope that assuages concerns.