So I tried to introduce three month old Caroline to the joys of “Peek a Boo.” I happened to be holding one of her small blankets, and I dangled it in front of her face, obscuring her view, and then pulled it away and said “Peek a Boo!”

The result? Smiles? Giggles? Cooing?

No. Stark terror.

Her eyes like saucers, her hands trembling, too horrified even to cry, it was clear she was thinking, “OH MY GOD?!? WHERE DID THE WORLD GO?!? HOLY CRAP!!!” I quickly tossed the blanket aside and held her for five minutes until she calmed down.

I think I’ll hold off on “Got your nose!” for a while. Like, until her high school prom.

Two more days until the announcement, by the way.