Yes, that’s right kids. America’s new dream team of Faith the Vampire Slayer and Wesley W-Price, the sidekick who’s more over the top than she is.

Further spoiler-esque comments attached.

Faith and Wes are such a powerful couple, in terms of their chemistry and actions, that any time they weren’t on screen, I wanted to return to them. Gunn and Fred are building bridges to each other? So what? Conner ponders his possible demon heritage? Big deal. Cordy displays the disconcerting ability to talk like a constipated FM DJ long distance? Who cares? Let’s go back and find out what the Nick and Nora Charles of the psycho demon hunter set are up to.

The sheer dynamics of the two of them helped to cover that fifteen minutes worth of plot was extended to an hour. See Angelus threaten. See Angelus jump. See Angelus trade barbs ad nauseum with Cordy who’s apparently carrying Rosemary’s Baby (making this, what, the second time Cordy’s been pregnant with an unnatural child in three and a half years?) See Angelus continue not to murder people. He could have snapped Wes’ neck in half a second. Yes, Cordy appears to be in possession of his soul, but hey…you never know. Granted, Faith appears to be in trouble, but we assume she’ll recover. Still, if she dies, however briefly, then one of the Killmore girls back in Sunnydale will get activated (my money’s on the Sunnydale High student). That puts three Slayers on the playing field.

All I know is that next weeks BTVS is a rerun and Angel is original, and if I had to pick which one I wanted new next week, it’d be “Angel.”

Oh…one day to the announcement. I’ll put it up around noon on Friday.


57 comments on “IT’S THE FAITH AND WES SHOW!

  1. Sorry, the 2nd sentence in the last paragraph should have read “pretended to be Angelus”. That makes more sense, huh?

  2. Possible SPOILERS…!

    Except Faith will be leaving to go to Sunnydale after next week’s Angel… Which will make the upcoming episodes of Buffy that much more watchable.

    I know the trade papers are saying that Eliza Dushku is committed to another pilot for Fox that has nothing to do with the Buffyverse… But, if I were a betting man (and I am)– I’d say that’s a ruse so Joss Whedon can keep his true Buffy Spinoff a “secret”… These same trades were quoting Eliza three weeks ago saying that she didn’t know if she wanted to do any series at all– that she was seriously considering going back to college, etc… Again, I think it is all a smokescreen.

    Finally, even though this seems a little “iffy” considering bad Cordelia was supposedly holding Angel’s soul in a jar this past week… I believe Angel’s soul is ALREADY back and has been for a while… Angel’s just playing the bad guy to draw out the Master. There’s just too many people Angelus has NOT killed… and still the unanswered question of why Lorne’s ability to “read” Angel suddenly went kablooey for the first time… Ever. Guess we’ll find out.

  3. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I kinda hope that there’s not a connection between the Beast/Master/Baby and the First Evil (other than the possiblity that they know each other). Just from a story standpoint, it would force Angel viewers to stay up to date on Buffy lore. I watch Buffy religiously, but as they are such different shows, I’m assuming that not all Angel fans do. I dunno, there’s a point in there somewhere.

    I kinda like for Angel to Shanshu at the end of this season but in such a manner that released Angelus in a corporal form leading to one more season where a human Angel had to defeat the Vampire Angelus and finally overcome his demons (no pun intended)–man that’s a run-on sentence. Just my two bits though.

  4. Is it a good sign or a bad sign that there’s so much discussion on trying to figure out what’s going on? I don’t think the previous seasons of either show were ever this convoluted. I mean, maybe the reason that things are so hard to figure out is because of bad writing or something. Personally, I think the whole plotline has been dragged out long enough. Can’t they at least break it up with a one-shot story? I’m starting to miss those.

  5. Re: The Hamburger’s Prophesy

    A lot of people seem to think that the hamburger idol forsaw “the father killing the son” and that makes the prophesy valid.

    Uh, not quite. The Burger God said “the father will drink the blood of the son”. And Angel did. His normal drinking blood was spiked with small portions of it (courtesy of Wolfram & Hart).

  6. By the way, this past Wednesday night, I was at the Florida Film Festival in Orlando taking in: ( among other gems such as: ‘The Sweatbox’, a behind-the-scenes documentary….co-directed by Sting’s wife, Trudie Styler….on how Disney’s ‘Kingdom Of The Sun’ became ‘The Emperor’s New Groove’, and Don Coscarelli’s latest: ‘Bubba Ho-Tep’, starring Bruce Campbell as a sixty-something Elvis and Ossie Davis as JFK…that’s right, Ossie Davis IS JFK!!… as they join forces to battle a soul-stealing mummy in a Texas nursing home!! ) Shinsuke Sato’s ‘The Princess Blade ( aka ‘Shurayuki Hime’ )’, familiar to manga fans as: ‘Lady Snowblood’.

    The upshot is, my TV was primed and timed to tape ‘Angel’….but my VCR was not!! *Sigh* And I understand it was a goodie!!

    I would be greatly appreciative of anyone out there who could either loan me a VHS copy, or provide me with a reeeally detailed synopsis of the 12 March episode!!



  7. By the way, this past Wednesday night, I was at the Florida Film Festival in Orlando taking in: ( among other gems such as: ‘The Sweatbox’, a behind-the-scenes documentary….co-directed by Sting’s wife, Trudie Styler….on how Disney’s ‘Kingdom Of The Sun’ became ‘The Emperor’s New Groove’, and Don Coscarelli’s latest: ‘Bubba Ho-Tep’, starring Bruce Campbell as a sixty-something Elvis and Ossie Davis as JFK…that’s right, Ossie Davis IS JFK!!… as they join forces to battle a soul-stealing mummy in a Texas nursing home!! ) Shinsuke Sato’s ‘The Princess Blade ( aka ‘Shurayuki Hime’ )’, familiar to manga fans as: ‘Lady Snowblood’.

    The upshot is, my TV was primed and timed to tape ‘Angel’….but my VCR was not!! *Sigh* And I understand it was a goodie!!

    I would be greatly appreciative of anyone out there who could either loan me a VHS copy, or provide me with a reeeally detailed synopsis of the 12 March episode!!



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