The amazing Spider-Man will be guest starring in CAPTAIN MARVEL #10. I figured guest starring Spider-Man would help continue to boost sales. However I’m being told by fans that Previews makes no mention of Spidey’s appearance in that issue, nor does the cover feature him.

So any retailers reading this, please adjust your orders accordingly. Fans who are not presently reading the title but would want to pick up the Spidey appearance, please inform your retailers now. Because there’s every chance that, if you change your mind, you won’t be able to get the issue.



  1. It’s been too long since you wrote Spidey. Maybe do a little sin-eater related story ?

  2. With lots of torn clothing during the fight, of course. 🙂

    Peter, why doesn’t the cover feature him? Shouldn’t both you and Tom Brevoort have some say over the content of the cover? What is on the cover? Joe Quesada and Bill Jemas wearing thongs while mud wrestling? Isn’t it counterintiuitive to have an issue featuring Spidey to boost sales, but not feature him on the cover?

  3. BTW, how come Captain Marvel comes out twice in May?

    I think it’s got something to do with the Marvel decision to do away with annuals, and instead of that, there’ll be an extra issue of some series that comes out instead once a year on this or that month. I don’t know if the decision got that much notice though.

  4. Twice in May…isn’t it coming out twice this month two? Am I on crack or did I pick up the last issue last week, and on Diamond’s site yesterday they had CM#7 listed for next week. Hey, I don’t mind getting two issues a month…I just wasn’t expecting it.

    Rob R.

  5. I’m not positive, but I think it might have had something to do with the Captain Marvel issues coming out late. I think thats due to Criss Cross leaving the art chores for the last few issues. At least they have gotten some good replacements.

    I can’t wait to see what Peter David does with Thor. I hope to see a bit of duel Irony with Thor on the path of a mad Dictator, and Captain Marvel already having reached such a peak.

  6. I’ve followed this site for some updates and insight to the PAD/Marvel broohaha. Since that seems to have settled down, I haven’t seen one piece that’s been remotely interesting. What posesses someone to start a site like this and just ramble on about anything under the sun?

  7. The last time you decided to “boost sales” Supergirl got cancelled. I still haven’t gotten over it. Of course, I don’t read Captain Marvel, normally, but I might buy a copy for this event.

  8. I would guess that the lack of promotion is only to be expected with the double shot of CM in May. (There’s not possibly enough room to provide information about *both* issues, and given Marvel’s overall lack of “revealing” much of anything for their regular titles, why should anyone be surprised? Have we forgotten all the publicity about Spider-Man 2099?)

    As for the 2 issues deal, there was talk last year that Marvel intended to start publishing 18 issues a year on many of its titles. Considering the rate that Marvel’s been pushing some of their releases already this year–all the regular X-books (including X-Men Unlimited?! in three consecutive months–so far) are being doubled up as are (or have been/will be) Punisher, Black Panther, Ultimate Spidey, Thor, Hulk–maybe Marvel’s doing the 18 issues without actually coming right out and formally announcing it’s been done.

  9. Call me stupid or confused, but is this the announcement? Because it’s a day early. Is there annother good news announcement coming?

  10. I’ve followed this site for some updates and insight to the PAD/Marvel broohaha. Since that seems to have settled down, I haven’t seen one piece that’s been remotely interesting. What posesses someone to start a site like this and just ramble on about anything under the sun?

    Well, Jack, I suppose the best answer to that is: Why Not?

    OK, it’s not a real answer, but since those of us who like to read these blogs and respond are not doing so under threat of severe arm-twisting or worse, I have to wonder why someone who is not interested would continue to tune in. It’s a big Internet, after all. (Wonder if I could turn that last sentence into a song …?)

  11. One would think that Marvel would want to promote the fact Spidey is guest-stars in CM. I guess someone dropped the ball. The editor? I would think he’d want this promoted, but I guess not (sometimes he definitely seems against promoting stuff and just relies on word of mouth — but like that matters once orders are turned in and then people can’t find the comic after it comes out).

  12. Malvito: All your fault. And I thank you for it.

    (With profuse apologies to the amazingly talented Randy Rogel)

    It’s a great big Internet,

    and we’re all very puny

    We’re just trying to enjoy life,

    tho’ ingrate trolls post crass-and-cruelly

    It’s big and broad and bloggy,

    and we are bandwidth-hoggy

    It’s a big Internet and we’re not

    Meanwhile, Jack, (may I call you Jack?) obviously someone finds topics besides “the Amazing PAD vs. the Legions of Comic-Book Bureaucracy” more than “remotely interesting”. Perhaps


    would be more to your liking?

    And, hey, I’m thinking it’d be great if WizKids released figures based on the writers and artists.

  13. Marvel kills th annuals, DC kills the letter pages, I think all that pesky TEXT is the next thing to go… ‘NUFF SAID! (oops.)

  14. Oh, forgot to note this earlier – I heard Mary Jane saying some very disparaging things about Marlo, so seeking justice in the mud or oil pit would certainly not be inappropriate PROVIDED IT’S CENTRAL TO THE STORY.

  15. If Marvel won’t promote it themselves, use their promotional tools. Get a couple of (non-spoilery) pages of #10 off Chris Sotomayor as soon as he’s done them and send them out to the major comicbook news sites.

  16. >>I’ve followed this site for some updates and insight to the PAD/Marvel broohaha. Since that seems to have settled down, I haven’t seen one piece that’s been remotely interesting. What posesses someone to start a site like this and just ramble on about anything under the sun?<<

    This site gets between 13,000 and 14,000 unique hits a month. That’s around 14,000 people finding out about new projects of mine.

    Do the math.


  17. >>This site gets between 13,000 and 14,000 unique hits a month. That’s around 14,000 people finding out about new projects of mine.

    Do the math.<<

    Math is hard.

  18. Actually I could care less if we learn anything about his projects if it means we learn more about the way his mind works.

    I’m a huge fan of Peter’s work (in fact I’m a Star Trek fan because I got into his comics, then his novels and then the shows).

    It’s nice that two of my favorite writers are very accessable to their audience (Kevin Smith being the other).

    It’s great to find out about someone’s work, but it’s even better to find out about what else goes on in the mind of the people you respect or enjoy.

    I guess that’s the difference between someone who comes to a site looking for information as a fan, and someone looking for inflammatory remarks about a situation that has, as you mentioned, settled down.

  19. In reference to my last post I suppose I should have quoted the person I was referring to, but I’m sure everyone can infer which post I was referencing.

    After all, we’re Peter David fans–that sort of makes us likely nerds, right?

  20. Mr. PAD,

    Can’t wait to see your Spidey dialogue again! (Not original— one of the earlier posters beat me to it, but still indescribably enthused!)

    I know Miguel is not the //same// Spidey, but the first time I ever saw you write the //original// Spidey was Spider-Man meets Spider-Man 2099.

    “Is that what being a hero is? To be too stupid to see options?” asks Miguel O’Hara. (2099)

    “No, it’s being too smart to see the wrong ones.”

    cleverly replies Parker.

    To sum up, my dear colleagues, Peter David’s Spidey dialogue comes around as infrequently as a comet (or other astronomical phenomenon).

    Both are infrequent, and both are worth taking time to see.

    And Jarissa, nice parody!

    “Yakko’s universe” has always been on of my favorite songs (of any genre)!

    Well at the risk of being derivative of Tigger, TTFN.

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