Beacon Pictures, the producers of such films as “Air Force 1” and “The Commitments,” has signed a six figure deal to option my novel “HOWLING MAD.” A screenplay written by Steven Kriozere is already well underway. The deal was negotiated by my agent, Frank Balkin, of the Paradigm Agency in Los Angeles.

“HOWLING MAD,” originally published by Ace Books in 1989, is an inversion of the werewolf legend. Rather than a human being bitten by a werewolf and transformed into the beast, “HOWLING MAD” tells the story of a wolf–eventually known as Josh–who is bitten by a werewolf and transformed into a human being. It’s been optioned before, but never by a company of the size and reputation of Beacon. And no, I’m not at all disappointed that I’m not writing the screenplay. Kriozere is the one who got Beacon interested in the project in the first place and a huge fan of the book, so more power to him. He and the fine folks at Beacon are determined to produce a movie as true to the characters, story and spirit of the original as possible, and I have every confidence in them.

There’s many steps and many pitfalls from option to actual film, but I consider this a very positive and exciting start.


78 comments on “THE ANNOUNCEMENT

  1. Congratulations! “Howling Mad” was the first of your novels that I read (after many many comics of course), and I loved it to pieces. I hope it gets a nice hard cover reprinting down the line.

  2. Congratulations, PAD. As a long time admirer of your work, it’s great to see your continued success.

    – Slash

  3. congratulations, PAD. just take heart, there’s no possible way that Jim Varney can be attached to this project.

  4. That’s it?! That’s the big announcement?! What a letdown! 🙂

    I’m kidding, I’m kidding 🙂

    This is very good news. I’ve never read “Howling Mad” myself, since you’re more popular than Apropos, (and he’s popular too!) in Utah, so I probably can’t find a copy. Especially since I’m in San Diego. But, anyway, congratulations.

    Now if only Paramount would get smart and make a movie out of Imzadi or Vendetta. Now that would be a Next Gen movie!!!

  5. Best of luck. I liked the book and was glad I had the chance to pick it up on the same day I met you at the Megacon. I enjoy your comic and Star Trek work and was pleased with the different form. I was worried about it having read and enjoyed blood of the Wolf which treated the same subject matter but VERY seriously. You hit similar themes and made me laugh. Thank you for that. Now, as long as the movie doesn’t suck it should be fun.

  6. Woohoo!

    Ad my vote to the list of congrats!

    Of course, one time when I saw Terry Brooks, he commented that one of his agents has made a good living just optioning Brook’s books for movies, and re-optioning them and so forth. None of which have made it to any screens yet.


  7. Hëll yeah! This is excellent news! Peter, why don’t you write the screenplay? I realize that screenplays are totally different creatures than novels or comics, but I think you have the writing skillz to pick up the adjustment! I hated seeing Alan Moore’s “From Hëll” get butchered, and fear that “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” will get the same slashing. (C’mon, did they give the movie the “LXG” moniker to cash in on the X-hotness or what?? Then again, “LEG” does sound pretty dumb…)

    Please do everything in your power to keep “Howling Mad” stunningly clever and funny.

  8. Um, Andy? Peter’s written a number of screenplays. Produced ones even. Oblivion and its sequel for Full Moon Pictures (movies). A couple of Babylon 5 episodes. And a whole batch of Space Cases episodes, which he produced as series co-creator as well.

    I think he may have a clue about how to write screenplays. 🙂

  9. YES!!!!!

    At the risk of saying something unoriginal, Congratulations, Peter!

    So Peter, do you have anyone in mind on who should portray Josh, Darlene or Parsons?

  10. Very cool. Congratulations! Should be a very nice flick, if memory serves.

    But dámņ, a new major comic-related announcement would have been nice as well.

    Good to see, though, that you’re making headway in other media.

  11. PS — reading the comments I realized that PsiMan would actually make a darn solid TV-SHow along the lines of Alias.

  12. Tom,

    Thank you for nicely schoolin’ my áršë. I have now voluntarily raised my hand to the question “Who is the single-most ignorant Peter David fan on this board?” Once again, thanks for slapping my hand down politely.

    (Mental note, learn your stuff before making first post on message board.)

    Well, now I’m wondering why Beacon turn to Mr. Kriozere instead of going to Peter. Still, I’m very excited about Howling Mad! Woo!

  13. Congratulations, Peter.

    Now, I have two questions:

    1. Does this mean that my original copy of the novel purchased in 1989 is worth money? If so, eBay calls.

    2. When is Peter doing his next signing in NYC so I can get the book signed and collect even more from it?

  14. “Does this mean that my original copy of the novel purchased in 1989 is worth money? If so, eBay calls.”

    Wait till the movie comes out. 🙂 But in the past I’ve seen copies sell on eBay in the $15-25 range (for both Howling Mad and the original Knight Life).

    I was at a used bookstore a few years ago that had about 6 copies of Howling Mad in unread condition for half off the cover price. Wish I’d bought ’em all now.


  15. Thats awesome PAD. Howling Mad is the first book by you that I ever bought (In a tie /Strike Zone which I bought at the same time), and I know that it will make an excellent movie.

    Also, I was unaware that a sequel to Howling Mad existed. I just picked up a used copy of Otherwere at the Amazon .com marketplace for $15 (Sorry, woulda got it new if I knew about it when it was in print). Can’t wait to read it.

  16. A bit late but I wasn`t able to read this exciting announcement earlier: Congratulations! 🙂

  17. Thats wonderful! I still remember that book from when I bought in back in 89 and had others buy it. Great and really fun read. I’ll be looking forward to seeing it, or keeping my finger’s crossed anyway.

  18. Congrats PAD! Now if only Hollywood Stock Exchange will carry the stock 😉 (BTW, that is, if you sign up, tell ’em BlackmoreINC sent ya, as my portfolio has been taking a beating lately).

  19. I loved “Howling Mad” when it first came out and I am very excited to see if it makes it to film. Congrats on getting it optioned!

    Any chance this could lead to other novels being optioned?

    Now I’m going into the book cellar to dig out my copy and re-read it!


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