Beacon Pictures, the producers of such films as “Air Force 1” and “The Commitments,” has signed a six figure deal to option my novel “HOWLING MAD.” A screenplay written by Steven Kriozere is already well underway. The deal was negotiated by my agent, Frank Balkin, of the Paradigm Agency in Los Angeles.

“HOWLING MAD,” originally published by Ace Books in 1989, is an inversion of the werewolf legend. Rather than a human being bitten by a werewolf and transformed into the beast, “HOWLING MAD” tells the story of a wolf–eventually known as Josh–who is bitten by a werewolf and transformed into a human being. It’s been optioned before, but never by a company of the size and reputation of Beacon. And no, I’m not at all disappointed that I’m not writing the screenplay. Kriozere is the one who got Beacon interested in the project in the first place and a huge fan of the book, so more power to him. He and the fine folks at Beacon are determined to produce a movie as true to the characters, story and spirit of the original as possible, and I have every confidence in them.

There’s many steps and many pitfalls from option to actual film, but I consider this a very positive and exciting start.


78 comments on “THE ANNOUNCEMENT

  1. Woohoo! I loved Howling Mad. It was a great book, and it had great characters in it. I especially liked the vampire from Fresno (blanking on his name, I loaned my copy to a friend a loooong time ago) and the great twist ending, which I won’t spoil.

    I must say I am a bit surprised that it would finally be optioned now, after so many years (no offense, but it has been 14 years since HM was published; is it still in print?) Hope they get someone good to play Josh and his lady friend.

    P.S. Did the mortician named DeFalco (his name I remember) have any relation to a certain cigar smoking former EIC at Marvel?

    Ben Hunt

  2. “(no offense, but it has been 14 years since HM was published; is it still in print?)”

    It was reprinted a few years ago. Follow the link on the Bibliography page to see it for sale on Amazon.

  3. “The Commitments” is one of my all-time favourite movies.

    Don’t think that has much to do with the discussion at hand, but I had to mention it anyways. 🙂

  4. Great News! When I heard that PAD had a big announcement coming, and the speculation began about one of his works being optioned for a movie, I was really hoping it would be “Howling Mad.” A very innovative work that I’ve enjoyed reading numerous times . . . can’t wait to see what can be done with it on film. Congrats, PAD.

  5. Very cool news — it’s been a while since I’ve read HM, but it’s eminently filmable. Congrats, and I hope it makes it all the way to production without many bumps!


  6. Cool! Best of luck! Hopefully everything will turn out good and we’ll be able to see it on the big screen!

  7. I remember reading the BID where you discussed your attempts to write the screenplay in an earlier attempt to get HOWLING MAD onto the Big Screen. Congratulations on this new development; hope all goes well with it and that we might see this at the local multiplex in the near future.

    Some questions have been raised about the age of the book. I say, what does it matter? How long did it take for PRINCESS BRIDE to make the Big Screen? Or CHICAGO?

  8. I’ll add my congratulations, PAD. I wonder, do you have any casting suggestions? Who would you like to see in the film (knowing, of course, that you probably don’t have any more say in the mater than I do!)?

  9. Hey, congrats! That must feel really cool. I have yet to read the book, but will make a point of it now that I know about it. When you started mentioning a twist on a werewolf tale, I thought you were going to say it was a wolf bitten by a man, but that’s just my weird brain at work. When you said you had an announcement, I was actually hoping it was going to be a Sir Apropos movie.

    anywho, congrats.

    really big teeth


  10. Much congrats to you. Here’s hoping…

    BTW, is that the same Frank Balkin who used to be a letterhack back in the day?

    IIRC, he’s also Marlo’s agent in Captain Marvel. Guess that having her as a client is reward for coping with you. 🙂

  11. Peter,

    Are you thinking of “revisiting” and expanding HOWLING MAD like you did for KNIGHT LIFE?

  12. Congratulations. I haven’t read the book in years, but I have fond memories of it and would love to see it filmed.

    Now, when are the Sir Apropos books coming to Lifetime Television as a mini-series?

  13. And what about your short-story sequel to Howling Mad, “Moonlight Becomes You” which appeared in the long out-of-print anthology OTHERWERE?

    I would assume the rights to it were not optioned along with the novel so it probably won’t have a bearing on the screenplay. But–if Ace will be reprinting a movie edition of the novel, perhaps they could add the short story to it this time?


  14. I have to admit to a bit of pleasant surprise. I had been thinking the announcement would be motion-picture related, but I’d been betting on it being “Knight Life”.

    This is great news and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we’ll see it come to the silver screen.


  15. Congratulations! IIRC, Howling Mad was the first non-comics work of yours that I read. I thought it was great and it prompted me to pick up any of your other books I could find. Can’t wait to see the movie.


  16. I’m hoping this will lead to a nice new hardcover edition of “Howling Mad.” I could retire my beat-up olf paperback!

  17. Congratulations Peter, and thanks for making the announcement early! I also hope this means that the book will be republished!



  18. Sweet! I loved Howling Mad!

    As I recall, the book’s narrative was occasionally interrupted by sequences in which the “author” interviewed the “real” characters, and during the first of those sequences it’s mentioned that Josh looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger, and that Arnie should be the one to play Josh if the book is ever made into a film.

    Do you think it’s possible… ?

  19. Congratulations! This couldn’t have happened to a better writer. I can’t wait!


  20. Congrats PAD!

    Although I was hoping the announcement had something to do with the New Frontier series. But much good luck to you!

  21. Congratulations. Richly deserved.

    Yes, many things can still go wrong. How many times has THE SILVER SURFER been optioned? But I’ll be keeping paws crossed on this one. Just the thought of re-re-re-etc-reading the bit with Duncan and the pigeon has me contorting in laughter. Seeing it [and the rest of the book] on screen? Bwaaahahahaha…

  22. Congrats.

    I was wondering about the phrase “signed a 6 figure deal to option..”

    I’m not asking for monetary details, but how the process works…does that mean they paid/will pay you 6 figs for the rights to the book? Or is it something more complicated than that?

    Will you be involved in the production, as you do have some production side chops, or is this pretty much a hand off of the property to the film company and hopefully you’ll get invited to the premere?


  23. Congratulations Peter,

    Howling Mad is a great book and was for me (along with your run on the Hulk) the biggest motivator to pick up most of your other work. I also liked the idea of New Frontier turned into a new ST series (not that it would be possible with the colourful characters you created: Zak Kebron, anyone?). Arnold Schwarzenegger would not be my choice of lead actor, his accent would lead to toe-curling scenes. I would rather see David Duchovny or even Brent Spiner as Josh.

    For now, please keep us informed

    Peter van Malssen

  24. And what about your short-story sequel to Howling Mad, “Moonlight Becomes You” which appeared in the long out-of-print anthology OTHERWERE?

    I would assume the rights to it were not optioned along with the novel so it probably won’t have a bearing on the screenplay. But–if Ace will be reprinting a movie edition of the novel, perhaps they could add the short story to it this time?

    Speaking as the co-editor of OtherWere, I’d rather they just reprinted the anthology, m’self….. *grin*

    Congrats, Peter!


  25. Congrats, Peter. Let’s hope this is the first in a series of films adapted form your works.

    For those of you who don’t want to go leave their homes in search of a copy, E-Bay doesn’t have any listings for Howling Mad, but their subsidiary does. I did read that E-Bay will be shuttering and incorporating it into their regular operation, so i’d recommend buying your copy quickly. Here’s the link:

    Meanwhile, I know it’s going to take quite a while for me to dig up my copy, and it’s been quite a while so that I don’t recall what the female character’s name was. But from what I recall of her character and behavior, why I am picturing Janeane Garofalo for the role?

  26. Congratulations, Mr. David. I’ve never read Howling Mad, but maybe I’ll pick it up when I get a chance. I bet it’s going to be really cool for you to see the words “based on the novel by Peter David” in the opening titles.

  27. Congratulations, Peter. It’s a great concept, perfect for a movie. I’ll keep an eye out for the book, as well.


  28. Now, if you can just get a “Wendy the Werewolf Stalker” cameo in, perhaps as played by Shana…:-)


  29. Well, well, well…

    1. Congratulations.

    2. I loved the book way back when, so I’m looking forward to the movie.

    3. So when’s that sequel featuring “Duncan the Homeless Vampire” coming out? Huh? When?

    I know, I know, never satisfied… 🙂

    – DB

  30. Congratulations!

    Howling Mad is one of the two books I used to convince my faux twin sister seperated from birth that it was possible to read for enjoyment. (The other was Expecting Someone Taller.)

    Good news, indeed. Thanks!

  31. Congrats, PAD. I can’t wait to hear updates on the status of this project, and look forward to the film (keeps fingers crosed).


  32. Our local library only carries your star trek books. Didn’t even know there were others.

    And option, BTW, is when a producer “rents” the rights for a time to try and put the deal together. A 6 figure option is pretty nice. You get paid again if it’s picked up, right?

  33. Congrats on the good news, PAD! Hope the movie makes it through the preproduction stages and into theaters. 🙂


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