Took Caroline to see her first movie yesterday: “Chicago.” Actually, I’d already seen it, but Kathleen and Ariel hadn’t. So we all went with the understanding that, if the baby started to fuss, I’d take her out. As it happened, she fell asleep ten minutes in and napped through the whole thing.

I come away from seeing it a second time with my opinion even more solidified than ever. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Rene Zellwegger act the roles great, but the success of their dancing is a tribute to direction and editing rather than talent. They move very well…but there’s a difference between being a great mover and a great dancer. I’m not sure what it is. A confidence, a sharpness, a focus. Any or all of those. All I know is that Bebe Neuwirth as Velma on film would have amazing. On the other hand, she would have left Zellwegger so far in the dust that you would’ve had to use someone else for Roxie as well.

On the other hand, perhaps it’s appropriate to the film to have used two women whose singing and dancing was good, but not great. It plays to the notion that their success stems from their notoriety rather than their talent.