People have been writing to me with some degree of alarm after the brand new Diamond “Actual Sales” chart was posted on Newsarama. Why? Because “Captain Marvel #6” was ranked as #259, which would indicate the most staggering sales plummet in comics history. As if retailers had suddenly decided to slash their orders to “Archie Comics” levels.

So I sent an alarmed e-mail to editor Andy Schmidt, who replied (his e-mail is printed here with permission):

“Okay, what that chart is is the “actual sales” chart for February. The

reason Marv is ranked so low is because 6 was late and didn’t come out until

March. It was ordered at 32,000 and will show up on next months “actual

sales” chart. So, it’s a meaningless number. How’s that?”

That’s fine by me. Hope that assuages concerns.